
*The Editor,                    *


Kindly give publicity to the following news item in your esteemed newspaper.

Thanking you,

*Vincy Quadros *




*Fr. Conceicao is Vice-President, Vincy made Secretary*

In the First Executive Committee Meeting following the recent elections
where Premanand A Lotlikar was elected President of Dalgado Konknni Akademi
(DKA) for a record third term, Fr. Conceicao D'Silva was nominated as the
Vice-President while Vincy Quadros was allotted the post of Secretary of
DKA. Walter Menezes was retained as Treasurer. The other members of the
Executive Committee are Pandharinath D. Lotlikar,  Alfonso 'Bond' Braganza
and  Pio Esteves.

The Executive Committee Meeting of elected members which was presided over
by Premanand Lotlikar was held on 6th February, 2014 at DKA's Office at
Campal, Panaji, Goa.

Names of prominent Romi Konknni writers and activists representing various
organizations were also short listed to be co-opted on the DKA Executive
Committee for the three-year term 2014-2017.

*PHOTO CAPTION:* *Sitting from left to right Fr. Conceicao D'Silva &
Premanand A Lotlikar. Standing from left to right Walter Menezes,*
D. Lotlikar, Vincy Quadros,  Alfonso 'Bond' Braganza and  Pio Esteves. *


*Fr. Conceicao Up-odheokx zalear Vincy Chittnis*

Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA)-che poile Vavurpi Somitiche zomatint halinch
3re pavtti Odheokx mhonn nivddun ailolea Premanand A. Lotlikar hannem aple
borabor Vavurpi Somiti Vangddi mhonn venchnnuk jikhlolea vangddeanchi
nivodd keli.  Fr. Conceicao D'Silva haka Up-odheokx mhonn nem'lo zalear
Vincy Quadros hache koddem Chittnis podachim sutram dilim.  Adlo Bhanddari
Walter Menezes-ak tich bhumika nibounk dovorlo.  Vavurpi Somitiche her
vangddi oxe asat : Pandharinath D. Lotlikar,  Afonso 'Bond' Branganza ani
Pio Esteves.

Premanand A Lotlikar hanche yezmanke khala hi zomat 6 Febrer 2014 disa
DKA-che kocherent Kampal, Ponnje hanga zali.

Romi Konknnichea mollar vavpurpi ani borovpi je veg-vegllea sonvsthamni
vavr kortat tankam fuddlea tin vorsam khatir Vavurpi Somiticher gheunk
DKA-che he zomatint vichar zalo.

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