
Palm Sunday: Pope Calls for Humility, Warns Against Worldliness          
          Also Reflects on World Youth Day, Entrusts Flight Victims to Mary's 
          By Deborah Castellano Lubov

            VATICAN CITY, March 29, 2015 ( - Exactly one week before 
Easter Sunday, Pope Francis has reminded the faithful that they must follow 
God's humble example.
 his Palm Sunday homily this morning, the Pope told the crowds in a 
sunny St. Peter's Square, that even when it involves facing humiliation,
 we are to not let this deter us from having humility.

"There is another way," Francis pointed out, "However, it is opposed 
to the way of Christ. It is worldliness, the way of the world."

"The world," he said, "proposes the way of vanity, pride, success… 'the other 

The Argentine Pontiff again referred to the Devil, noting how the 
Evil One proposed this worldly way to Jesus during his 40 days in the 
desert and how the Lord immediately rejected it.

"With the Lord," Francis said, "we too can overcome this temptation, 
not only at significant moments, but in daily life as well." 

Humility is God's way and the way for all Christians, he underscored.

"It is a way which constantly amazes and disturbs us: we will never get used to 
a humble God!"

Francis reminded the thousands gathered that God humbled himself to 
walk with His people, "to put up with their infidelity." He also 
recalled how, in the Book of Exodus, the people grumbled and complained 
against Moses who ultimately led them out of slavery to freedom.

Only if during Holy Week we take on Jesus' humiliation ourselves, Francis said, 
"will this week be 'holy' for us too!"

Recalling how despite the betrayal and ridicule Jesus faced, even by 
his Apostles, Christ accepts it, Francis said, noting today's faithful 
should follow Jesus' example of serving others.

"In this, we are helped and comforted by the example of so many men 
and women who, in silence and hiddenness, sacrifice themselves daily to 
serve others: a sick relative, an elderly person living alone, a 
disabled person, someone homeless."

Francis also called on those gathered to think of those persecuted 
for their faith, "the martyrs of our own time. They refuse to deny Jesus
 and they endure insult and injury with dignity."

The Holy Father called on faithful to "set about with determination 
along this same path," as Jesus did. "Love will guide us and give us 
strength," the Holy Father concluded. "For where he is, we too shall 


At the end of the celebration, the Pope recognized that today is 
World Youth Day, giving a special greeting to the young people gathered.

"Dear young people, I urge you to continue your journey both in your 
dioceses and in your pilgrimage across the continents, which will carry 
you all next year to Krakow, the homeland of St. John Paul II, who first
 initiated the World Youth Days."

The theme of the 2016 WYD in Poland 'Blessed are the merciful, for 
they will be shown mercy,' he said, fits in well with the Holy Year of 

"Let yourselves be filled by the tenderness of the Father, so you can spread it 
around you!" he rejoiced.

Francis called upon the faithful to turn to Mary to live this Holy Week with 
great faith.

Reflecting on Tuesday's
 tragic event, Pope Francis entrusted to the Blessed 
Mother's intercession the victims of the Germanwings plane crash, and 
noted, how among those killed, were German students.


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Homily Text:

Angelus Translation:

Pope's Angelus Address          
          "Let yourselves be filled by the tenderness of the Father, so you can 
spread it around you!"
            VATICAN CITY, March 29, 2015 ( - Below is a translation 
of Pope Francis’ Angelus address today, following the Palm Sunday Mass in St. 
Peter’s Square:

Before the Angelus

At the end of this celebration, I affectionately greet all of you here, 
particularly young people.

Dear young people, I urge you to continue your journey both in your 
dioceses and in your pilgrimage across the continents, which will carry 
you all next year to Krakow, the homeland of St. John Paul II, who first
 initiated the World Youth Days. The theme of that great meeting: 
"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy" (Mt 5,7), fits 
in well with the Holy Year of Mercy. Let yourselves be filled by the 
tenderness of the Father, so you can spread it around you!

And now we turn in prayer to Mary our Mother, so she can help us to 
live with faith this Holy Week. She also was present when Jesus entered 
Jerusalem and was cheered by the crowd; but her heart, like that of the 
Son, was ready for sacrifice. We learn from you, faithful Virgin, to 
follow the Lord even when His way leads to the Cross.

I entrust to Mary's intercession the victims of the Germanwings plane
 crash last Tuesday, among which there was also a group of German 

Angelus Domini ...

[Original text: Italian]

[Translation by Deborah Castellano Lubov]


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