
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)



Palm Sunday observed in Kuwait 

Monday, 06 April 2009 04:51 Kuwait Times 
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 Mister Wong

KUWAIT: A traditional blessing of the palm fronds which symbolize Jesus 
Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem days before his Passion (Passion Week) 
was commemorated yesterday at the Holy Family Cathedral in Kuwait City. Bishop 
Camillo Ballin officiated the ceremony held at the church square before leading 
the assembled worshippers for high mass.
A gospel was read out which commemorates the event that took place in Jerusalem 
2000 years ago, "Today we come together to mark the triumphant entry of Jesus 
Christ into the old City of Jerusalem to complete his work of salvation-to 
suffer, to die and to rise again," says Bishop Ballin as he addressed the crowd 
of faithful who had gathered at the square to receive blessings.
After the blessing, the faithful led a procession inside the church's cathedral 
to celebrate high mass. Palm leaves were distributed after the mass. For some 
Christians, the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem symbolizes their 
openness to receive Jesus as their savior and to acknowledge his Kingdom.
For some Catholic Christians, it is customary to preserve the fronds given out 
on Palm Sunday, at least for the whole year round, to ward off evil spirits at 
home. The Catholic Church retains them to perform the Ash Wednesday rituals. 
Christians all over the world have entered the holiest week of their calendar 
as they usher the faithful to Easter Sunday, a joyous celebration that 
commemorates Christ's resurrection from the dead after three-days.
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