
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


My household too had the petromax that was known in our area as 'gas
light', The gas light that was brought by my uncle from Bahrain probably in
the year 1958 or 1960.  That had an outlet where after pumping, we had to
open the latch and light the match to it.  It would fire like a welding
torch that would warm the pipe to help turn kerosene in the tank to turn
into gas and the 'mantle' would start glowing, then the latch had to be
closed and the light adjusting knob had to be adjusted to the brightness
required. Actually foreign made glass that covered the mantle were seamless
and would be brighter rather than the Indian made glass of strips.  However,
this was useful for outdoor use like night functions, during church night
service or concerts as these would create a lot of heat and hiss.

Alladin lamp that my father brought did not require pumping/did not hiss,
had a tall seamless glass, useful for indoor use  and was exactly looking in
the single picture shown.  The mantle used to be fitted over the Vick, that
could be adjusted to obtain maximum light and the kerosene used had to be of
a better quality. It was installed in the middle of our hall/altar room and
could be pushed up or pulled down as it was connected to a pulley that had a
counter weight at the other end (my dad was an engineering genius,
unfortunately did not teach me much of what he knew).  Of course, with the
arrival of electricity, it was no longer used and wound up in the loft as
the house was demolished and rebuilt with a slab house as every one.


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