Pollution all pervasive
The recent trend of spread of deadly disease is baffling Various reasons have 
been advanced but do not seem to be convincing
The quality of air we breathe, the polluted water we drink, the adulterated 
food we consume are major problems The increase in heart disease,wide spread of 
cancers, lung kidneys ets
There is a concerted movements of checking mangoes and now formalin laced fish
The quality of vegetables other fruits,imported meat in unhygienic 
conditions,adulterated milk, oils, fuels, bottled drinks spurious drugs,spices 
contaminated food served on streets and hotels are worrisome playing with 
healthof citizens There is need to take a wholesome view of adulteration and 
selective actions excluding the whole gamut of issues related to health
Indians no more can be taken for granted however illinformed they are about 
their rights
Nelson lopes Chinchinim 

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