From: b sabha <>

From: Global Catholic Climate Movement <>

The Pope's New Apostolic Exhortation on the Family
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Dear Friends,

Today the Vatican published Pope Francis' eagerly-awaited Apostolic Exhortation 
on the family. In this eagerly awaited document, entitled 'Amoris Laetitia', or 
The Joy of 
 he affirms the Church's teaching that stable families are the building blocks 
of a healthy society and a place where children learn to love, respect and 
interact with others.

In the document Pope Francis also discusses the role of the family in caring 
for creation. "In the family too, we can rethink our habits of consumption and 
join in caring for the environment as our common home. 'The family is the 
principal agent of an integral ecology, because it is the primary social 
subject which contains within it the two fundamental principles of human 
civilization on earth: the principle of communion and the principle of 
fruitfulness" (Amoris Laetitia, 277).

This reiterates his ideas from last year's encyclical on ecology, Laudato Si', 
where he states, "In the family we first learn how to show love and respect for 
life" (Laudato Si', 213).  During this Year of Mercy in which we celebrate the 
one-year anniversary of Laudato Si', we remember the Lord's mercy on us and 
joyfully renew our vow to protect creation and the principles of communion and 


GCCM is happy to be able to bring knowledge and conversation of this important 
document to all our members. We hope and pray for continued health of both the 
Catholic family and Pope Francis.

God bless,





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