Dear all on GoaNet,

Once again, I write the following as a person who (a) does not have have, in 
his possession, ALL the facts of the case (b) does not know the value, ethics 
or legality of the so-called Potency test (c) continues to be a student of 
medicine, law and ethics (d) continues to be appalled by the fact that doctors 
in the UK agreed to conduct and conducted virginity tests on Asian women at 
Heathrow airport in the 1970s (e) is shocked that doctors in Goa agreed to 
conduct and conducted the so-called  potency test on Mr. Tejpal (f) notes that 
not much has been said in the available Goa press about the ethics or legality 
of this test.

Allow me to state this too: (1) if Mr. Tejpal is afforded a fair trial and held 
to have sexually harassed the lady in question, he should be sentenced 
appropriately (2) if he is suspected of having tried to lean on any witness, 
continued incarceration may be justified ..... to a point 

However, at this point, it appears as though it is (also) Mr. Tejpal who has 
been sexually assaulted by the doctors in Goa and that the alleged journalists 
in Goa have suddenly lost their ability to write or have developed Acute 
Hipocrisia Convenienta Generalis.

Please tell me that I am wrong.


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