Of all the vibrant cultural fashions that India can boast, the humble
unstitched Sari has to be the most overlooked and yet the most versatile
and widely used fabric by the Indian woman.

And yet, it is taken for granted far too often.

Rooted in the balanced mix of culture and modernity, The Indian Draping
Company is a movement to revive the ancient wisdom in the traditional drapes
and infuse them with a modern perspective. Each region has a native garment
that evolves from local sensibilities, as well as the occupation and
culture of the
wearer. The garment adapts to suit the local context, weather, and

For those who haven't been acquainted with this talented, yet modest length
of cloth, the Sari is an unstitched piece of fabric, typically ranging five
to nine yards
in length, with two ornamental borders running along the length and a
‘pallu’ at
the outer end. Traditionally made using only hand-spun cotton, the Sari is
unmatched in its versatility in design, aesthetic, and science. There are
than 100-documented draping styles across India with every state having
multiple, diverse variations of its own.

Spearheading this traditional renaissance is Niketa Malhotra, a self
professed Sari Enthusiast and draping whisperer of the famous five to nine
yards. Niketa's Sari journey began seven months ago when she attended a
Sari workshop
conducted by reknowned textile and Sari scholar, Ṛta Kapur Chishti.
"The three-hour workshop with Ṛta at the Sari School, New Delhi changed the
way I view the Sari. Today, I perceive the Sari as an unstitched piece of
fabric with
two borders that can be draped into any garment of need. And it is this
outlook, this new freedom to drape the unstitched garment that I wish to
with the world", she explains.
Inspired and infected by Ṛta’s love for the Sari, she incorporated the
drapes in her regular wear be it for a formal or informal gathering or
going for a rigorous walk. Niketa's mantra is that there is a drape for
every occasion!

An impromptu workshop conducted for the Online Global Sari Meet gave Niketa
the opportunity and motivation to share her skills with other women. In
September 2017, she worked with 18 wonderful women who learned and
experimented with the different drapes of India. The ancient drapes
suddenly seemed to get a new lease of life when the women draped them in a
contemporary way and walked with confidence on stage. The impact of the
show was profound and positive. The women not only felt more confident
about themselves but also appreciated and incorporated the drapes in their
regular wear.
"That was my moment of inspiration", she says, "and The Indian Draping
Company was formed."

Gallery Gitanjali has always held fast to our mission of being a platform
for an eclectic mix of the Arts- with a special emphasis on local and
traditional art- and over the years we have evolved into a central cultural
space, offering an alternative art studio and a conference/workshop venue.
For this event, we wish to venture off the beaten canvas and into the world
of traditional fabrics and fashion; we shall turn the spotlight onto the
art of the Sari.

Niketa's presentation is an interactive session on the evolution of the
Sari through the centuries. The session will reflect on the science,
design, and patrons of the drapes as well as the handloom Sari. Spread over
an hour, the presentation throws light on the glorious past, highlights the
current relevance, and seeks to imagine the future of the Sari. The style
of the presentation is interactive, as Niketa includes a mix of pictures,
videos, and anecdotes. Time permitting, she may conduct a few live draping
activities, and conclude with an interactive Question & Answer session.

To keep up with this thread of discussion, follow Gallery Gitanjali on
Facebook and Twitter and like us on Instagram!

Photo of Niketa Malhotra and group photo attached. Also attached is the
poster for the event.

Thanks & Regards

Gallery Gitanjali
E-212,31st January Road,

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