Protection of environment
Is the idea of protection of environment stretched too far.How to maintain
a balance of developmental needs of human growing population  and
Ozone hole is a dangerous situation.  The green  house effect of CO2 is
raising temperature, leading to melting of  ice cover and
flooding.Poluttion of air is harmful to humans.Pollution of water is
killing life. Fossil fuels reduction with clean energy is not economical
Discharge of  affluents can be    controlled.Forest depletion can be
augumented.Energy from dams has catastrophic effect on land and so is
nuclear energy a dormant bomb.Humans will have to travel back to  stoneages
.The ever increasing demands  of bulging population puts stress on
resources. THE costs of fuel  gas , electricity.  wood  , even sand and
larterite stones have touched the roof  as they all  linked to fuel
costs.Floods have not decreased nor pollution  with all measures in place
.The developed nations are greatest contributors to green house and still
demanddeveloping nations  to apply the breaks.Sothe solution is all  must
takeserious measures and alternative resources toneetdenads
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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