From: b sabha <>

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Teesta Setalvad <<>>
Date: 17 June 2016 at 11:27
Subject: Public Statement(s) by Sabrang Trust on MHA Cancellation of FCRA
To: Teesta Setalvad <<>>

Dear All,
Yesterday, finally the MHA issued a notice cancelling the FCRA of Sabrang 
Trust. Sabrang Trust's primary activities have involved working in the area of 
secular education, advocacy and documentation while Citizens for Justice and 
Peace (CJP) have been working on the issue deliverance of justice to the 
Survivors of Mass Crimes, especially Gujarat 2002. Both need continued and 
sustained citizen's support.
The statements attached below give detailed explanations on every foul 
allegation made by the MHA. What is implicit is that the MHA has itself 
embellished its own conclusions from the time it made its first Observations 
(last June 2015) after inspection, the Suspension Notice (September 2015) and 
now in the Final Cancellation Notice.
What shows a very clear nexus is the fact that it is when the Gujarat Police 
--in February 2015--failed to get custody of us and the Supreme Court stayed 
our arrest (Feb 12, 19, 2015) that the Gujarat Police Home Department wrote 
specifically to the MHA alleging so called violations by Sabrang Trust. This 
letter of the Gujarat Police dated March 10-, 2015 is also attached here. Hence 
what began under Modi in Gujarat (January 2014 when the FIR was first lodged 
against Tanvir Jafri, Firoz Pathan, Salim Sandhi, Javed Anand and myself) has, 
two years later become the ground for vindictive action against us (Javed 
Anand, Teesta Setalvad) under the Home Ministry of the Modi Regime in Delhi. 
This is critical to understand.
This deliberate attempt to embellish observations between the time the MHA Team 
first came and the final notice is given is nothing short of a sinister 
villification and defamatory campaign. Please do get back to us for any further 
details if you need. We have consistently been extremely transparent about any 
Finally, both CJP and Sabrang need all the support at this stage. We appeal to 
one and all in this regard

Yours in Camarederie

Teesta  Javed


1. March 10, 2015 Letter of Gujarat Government to MHA
2. Sabrang Trust Statement dated June 16, 2016 (YESTERDAY)
3. Sabrang Trust Statement dated May 10, 2016
4. Sabrang Trust Statement dated October 7, 2015
5. Sabrang Trust Response to FCRA Suspension Order DETAILED dated October 5, 

Teesta Setalvad
'Nirant', Juhu Tara Road,
Juhu, Mumbai - 400 049<><><>

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