Watching this film has been sheer bliss. Not that I want to be seen as not 
recognising my own uncle but the film is quite blurry (and shot before I was 
even born) and I wanted to confirm for sure that M. Boyer is playing the role 
of Robert here. The young Boyer brings back so many memories. He looks so much 
like my father, they could have passed off for brothers instead of cousins. Of 
course my father is the most handsome of all the Cardoso-Aguiar cousins with 
their deep green eyes and high cheek bones. I am hoping to do a mini-bio 
on Boyer's life (hence all the questions about tiatr - if anyone has contacts 
with tiatr personalities, info...please bear in mind). I have already unearthed 
startling revelations about our family and ancestry.
The girl who plays Molly is so beautiful. I knew her son in Dubai and he is 
almost a spitting image of his mother.
Aha. Nostalgia.

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