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*From:* Eddie <gdig...@btinternet.com>
*To:* renovacao.rene...@gmail.com
*Cc:* descm...@gmail.com;goa...@goanet.org
*Sent:* Sunday, 20 August 2017, 22:34

*Subject: On Dr Noronha's article in RENEWAL (Goa Church Bulletin)*

*The Church did right*As guardian of justice and morals, the Church did
right to remind its flock of their repressive government and to warn them
to use their vote wisely.  *Dr Noronha’s epistle was bold and tim*
*ely. Warm congratulations.* The Archbishop should have given him
unqualified support. (The church always demurs before dictators.)
BJP, the ruling party since 2014, has ushered in their version of Hindu
*Rashtra*, in which the the focus is on the interests of the upper castes
and the corporate sector. The top officials are no philosopher-statesmen,
more of feudal stock.  So, expect bigotry and banalities, not empathy and
compassion. No consultation or public debates have been scheduled with
minorities (Muslims, Christians, Dalits and tribals) for their views and
needs. The cow has been made supreme (pity the bull) and any Muslim caught
harming it or eating beef could be lynched.

Now for a bit of history: Governance is new to the Hindus; they have been
powerless and isolated in their own land for some 1000 years [from about
1000 CE when Mahmud of Ghazni invaded Hindustan until Brexit in 1947] –
which PM Modi called ‘1200 years of slavery’ in his first speech in
Parliament in 2014. Hindus are acutely aware of their failure to challenge
the invaders and drive them out.
They are now reacting:
 – they want to gain respect via a taste of global power; hence the frantic
buying spree for arms from the US and Israel at the cost of health &
welfare for common people;
- the ‘descendants’ of the invaders will be punished for oppressing and
humiliating the Hindus. But the ones to be punished are the Muslims, not
the British whom they respect for setting up the Indian State and all its
institutions. The Indian Christians are also being targeted for conversions
– not the European clerics who authorized the conversions. (Hindu elites
always fear to confront Europeans.)

*UK Indian groups protest against the BJP*On 16th August, several Indian
organisations based in the UK expressed their “distress and
concern” to President of India Kovind in a letter on 70th Independence Day,
about the anti-minority violence by the BJP government. They wrote:

*Your Excellency [President Kovind]*
*We the undersigned are extremely distressed and concerned that during
three years, India has become a country where Hindu supremacist gangs**can
lynch and rape freely and without any fear of punishment, where **children,
women and men are brutally killed for what they eat, who they love **and
simply for who they are.*

*On this 70th anniversary of Independence, India has become a Republic
of **Fear
where justice, democracy and the basic right to life lie in tatters. PM **Modi
made highly Islamophobic comments about retiring Vice-President Hamid **Ansari,
after he dared to suggest that Muslims felt increasingly insecure in *

*We demand that the BJP government put an end to the violence against
Christians and Dalits and indict not only the perpetrators of these **horrific
crimes but those, including senior politicians of the BJP, who have
communal and anti-Dalit violence.*
*---  ---  ---*
*---   ---   ---*
*In the last few days, nearly 70 young children died in UP in a
in Gorakhpur, which was Yogi Adityanath's own constituency. The Chief
Minister did not apologise but has tried to justify the recent deaths,
saying it is ‘normal’ for children to die in August He then ordered the
police to organise Janamashtami celebrations on a ‘grand’ scale just when
people are in mourning for the avoidable deaths of so many children.*

*On the 70th anniversary of India's Independence, we will not remain
allow the forces of the Hindu right to transform India into a Republic **of

*Yours sincerely*
*South Asia Solidarity Group     Castewatch UK      *
*SOAS India Society  Anti Caste Discrimination Alliance*
*Federation of Ambedkarite and Buddhist Organisations UK*
*Voice of Dalit International (VODI)*

[image: clip_image002]

*Musings on Hindu Rashtra *Here are extracts from an illuminating
essay by *Satya
Sagar*, journalist & activist from Delhi:
Welcome, to the sights and sounds of Hindu Rashtra, that fantasy land of
upper caste Hindus or savarnas masquerading as Indian ‘nationalists’, where
they will rule unchallenged and forever. A frightening future, which they
promise will be a recreation of Ram Rajya, a mythical time from ancient
India, where the Lord Himself ensured everyone ‘knew their place’.
For the first time in independent India, the votaries of Hindutva seem to
have everything going their way. Electoral power across country, support
from captains of industry, a servile media & bureaucracy, foot soldiers
galore. Even many from the oppressed communities - prefer to collaborate to
be on top of the bandwagon than under it.

The construction of a temple to Shri Ram in Ayodhya will be done just in
time for the next general elections in 2019 (after that there may be no
more elections). And who knows, Prime Minister Narendra Modi may be
officially anointed a new *avatar*of Lord Vishnu Himself (he certainly
behaves like one already!).

The question before Indian citizens today: how can a few caste groups from
a small part of the country be allowed to wreck the modern Indian Republic
that guarantees every citizen equal rights, justice and opportunities
without exception.
For the truly religious or spiritual among the Hindus themselves it is time
to ask, are Indian history, culture and traditions the property of a few
self-appointed ideologues and their disciples? Does it not represent a vast
and rich body of knowledge and experiences with contributions from everyone
who has ever lived on this land?
Do they really want a narrow, Wahabi version of Hinduism thrust upon them,
turning India into another Saudi Arabia or Pakistan?

*In conclusion, many will agree with Dr Noronha that ‘the country is being
ruled by one or two men, and the rest are mere henchmen* *and running dogs*.’
He was presumably referring to PM Modi and BJP boss Amit Shah.

*Noronha advised people to vote for a person of character or risk being
engulfed by nationwide fascism. Let’s be mindful of that advice.*
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