Today on late Matanhy Saldanha’s birthday let us recall how the BJP only
used and deviously betrayed that great and very charismatic leader.

At Matanhy Saldanha’s funeral on 24th March 2012 at the St Thomas Church in
Cansaulim,  the then Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar profusely sobbed and
had publicly vowed to carry on Matanhy’s legacy and everything he stood
for. Manohar Parrikar and the BJP have a lot to explain for having
miserably reneged on that pledge. Were those crocodile tears for public
consumption only?

The late Matanhy was vehemently opposed to the casinos and wanted them out
of the River Mandovi. Contrary to that the BJP has now merrily embraced the
Casino lobby and made the business for them much more comfortable and

The late Matanhy was vehemently against the Mopa Airport. The BJP in a
clear betrayal has vigorously pushed the proposed airport at Mopa
despite Matanhy having unequivocally and consistently stated that the Mopa
airport project was a scam and that it should not go ahead. The
late Matanhy Saldanha’s well researched opposition to Mopa was very crystal
clear. In one of his press notes published in 2008 he had stated “It is now
very clear why many politicians and vested interest want the Mopa airport.
Many who are demanding the Mopa airport are ignorant or pretend to be
ignorant, that Goa is going to lose its identity since the builders are
going to build only for migrants from other states. Imagine how much land
is already sold to fly by night vested interest in Pernem alone”

The late Matanhy wanted Goa to continue being a secular State. Over the
last four and a half years the systematic saffronisation of Goa is open for
all to see. The late Matanhy was also passionately of the opinion that Goa
should get Special status. Except empty talk and playing to the gallery,
the BJP has done nothing. The late Matanhy was strongly against corruption
and nepotism. On what Goa has been witnessing on this front over the last
four and half years less said the better.

Merely symbolically naming the South Goa Collectorate building after
Matanhy Saldanha is not living up to to the legacy of that great leader who
toiled tirelessly for the welfare and wellbeing of Goa and Goans.

Matanhy must be rolling in his grave that his once trusted friend Manohar
Parrikar and the BJP have gone back on what they had promised and even
vowed over his grave. Matanhy Saldanha must be now hoping that at the 2017
Assembly elections the BJP is laid to eternal rest so that what remains of
Goa is Salvaged and Saved for posterity.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




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