*Dear Shekhar Gupta,*

*Just to inform you that you have not expressed the sentiments of the
minorities especially of Catholics in your article.*

* Modi is planning to become a PM will surely make a difference and ruined
India. He is a RSS man and there is no doubt about it and Goans will suffer
under his leadership.*

*Stephen Dias, Goa.*

*After May 16*

*The rise of Modi marks the shifting of the largest tectonic plate. He is
the first non-Dynasty leader to acquire this domineering stature, the only
non-Brahmin and also the first never to have been in the Congress
party. *[image:

By Shekhar Gupta <http://indianexpress.com/profile/columnist/shekhar-gupta/> |
April 12, 2014 9:06 am


One of the deadliest truisms in our business of reading election trends is,
never trust journalists with their predictions. But when all journalists
agree on the outcome of an election, take it easy. You know for sure that
exactly the opposite will happen.

We would only hope this doesn't extend to psephologists as well. Because if
it did, you might end up looking very stupid by 11 am on May 16. I shall,
therefore, be a coward and confine myself to drawing upon the opinion poll
data to predict (yes, predict) lasting shifts in Indian politics. So
significant, long-lasting and intense that we could describe them as
tectonic. We also know tectonic shifts define the movement of seven such
plates that constitute the earth. Let us now play political geologists and
read the seismic signals.

First, whatever his tally finally, Narenda Modi would have risen as India's
preeminent political personality. This is a first and here is why. Think of
any juncture since 1947, and the most powerful political leader was always
from the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. I know you are speed-reading the history of
67 years in your minds, and I can  anticipate your doubts. The period from
Nehru's death in May 1964 to Shastri's in January 1966.

The September 1965 war built Shastri into a genuine national icon. But
everybody knew even then who the real star of the Congress was. Indira
Gandhi may have been just a junior minister for information and
broadcasting, but she was always the heir apparent and Shastri a caretaker.
In any case, this "break" was for less than 18 months. Second, Indira's
defeat in 1977 after the Emergency and the rise of the Janata Party.

Yet, who was the most powerful political figure in India then? Jayaprakash
Narayan was in rapid decline by then, physically and politically. The rest
in the ruling Janata Party were squabbling subedars, not generals.

Indira Gandhi, in comparison, was a political field marshal. The third, and
probably more arguable, would be the first half of the Narasimha Rao reign.
Even then, as Arjun Singh's intrigues and later open rebellion showed us,
the real power was to return inevitably to Sonia Gandhi.

Rao defied it but paid for this foolhardiness. He was sent to the doghouse
to fight his cases alone, and then denied, in death, the elementary dignity
of a stop at the AICC headquarters for his funeral van and a cremation spot
along the Yamuna in Delhi. You want evidence of how brutally it was done,
check out my friend and former colleague Sanjaya Baru's The Accidental
Prime Minister: The making and unmaking of Manmohan Singh (pp 72-73). Atal
Bihari Vajpayee ruled for six years, but never owned his party as Sonia did.

THAT is why the rise of Modi marks the shifting of the largest tectonic
plate. He is the first non-Dynasty leader to acquire this domineering
stature, the only non-Brahmin and also the first never to have been in the
Congress party. He could rule India on his own strength and definitely own
his party as well. How totally, you can see in how the BJP has thrown out
Jaswant Singh and now his son Manvendra. This is not the way the BJP
functioned in the past.

Even when Uma Bharti was expelled from the party in December 2005, the top
leadership continued to humour her, presuming she would return inevitably,
whatever the provocation from her.

In a Walk the Talk interview for NDTV 24×7 at Hoshangabad along the
Narmada, she pointed at a bloated animal carcass floating in the water and
compared the BJP with it: dead, but floating because of putrefaction. And
yet, one of the most brilliant coincidences of my journalistic life once
put me in the perfect place, the corridor of Parliament, as Vajpayee caught
Umaji walking in from the other direction and asked why she had  stopped
visiting his home.

"Kaise aaoongi, Atalji, aapne toh party se nikaal diya," she said.

"Arre bhai, party karyalaya se nishkasit kiya hai na, ghar se toh nahin, ab
aaiye aap," said the great charmer.

No such things will likely happen now. There may not be a third coming for
Jaswant Singh, unless he goes down on his knees in public in return for a
distant Raj Bhawan with a well-stocked library. So here is the second
coming shift in our politics: the BJP acquiring its own high command. It
may actually do some good if it brings discipline in its cabinet (should it
come to power) and keeps the grand viziers of Nagpur and the Luddites of
Allahabad University at bay. It can also become authoritarian and rob the
BJP of its internal democracy. But this, really, is something for the BJP
to debate. The era of running internal party battles through leaks versus
tweets in the BJP is now over.

The third comes prefixed with an "if". So if a BJP-led NDA government comes
to power this May, it will have a very different kind of cabinet
arrangement. Nobody can predict who the key ministers will be as Modi will
make his own choices, not distracted by history or hustled by the present.
This will be a Modi cabinet. He will look for talent -- and loyalty --
wherever he finds it.

The concept of hierarchy will be redefined in India's most enduring
gerontocracy. A Modi cabinet will have place neither for Jairam Ramesh's
kind of youthful defiance nor for the Jaipal Reddy/A.K. Antony school of
stodgy do-nothingness. If we get a Modi government in May, this will not be
a change as uneventful as the ascent of Vajpayee, when there was more
continuity than change. Be prepared for a bureaucratic, political and even
social and intellectual twister: the lists of invitees to state banquets
will change.

The fourth: If Modi's political style is that of a CEO, he has already
succeeded in relaunching his party as the new Congress, only way to the
right. It has many more allies, will not only batter the Congress in the
entire Hindi heartland (including Bihar) but, also, if opinion polls are
generally right, poll more votes than the Congress in Tamil Nadu, West
Bengal and Orissa. That will reduce the Congress party's national
preeminence to Kerala.

WHAT about the remaining three? First of these will be the most dramatic
decline of the Congress in our history. A poll of all the major polls
places the Congress firmly below its all-time low of 114 in 1999. It cannot
find any new partners and some of the old ones may bolt. It is the first
time since 1967, for example, that the Congress is fighting without an ally
in Tamil Nadu and will score a zero. The party's situation will be worse
than the numbers will indicate.

For the first time, the party will have no non-Dynasty scapegoat.  Of
course, if it remains true to its tradition, it will set up another Antony
Committee to look into the disaster, as it did in 1996, and once again it
could conveniently blame Manmohan Singh. But it won't wash. By staying out
of the campaign -- or not protesting that he is kept out -- and having been
silent for a full five years, the outgoing prime minister has out-Antonied
the real Antony. Vajpayee and Advani rebuilt the BJP from two seats in
December 1984. Does Rahul Gandhi have it in him? Does the Congress have the
ideological cohesion of the BJP?

Both will be tested. The BJP stayed out of power for 10 years, but
discovered a new leader and a new agenda. The Congress will have serious
limitations there.

The sixth shift will also mostly affect the Congress, and it will be
ideological. Evidence from across the country suggests that the Aam Aadmi
Party is catching the fancy of the Muslims and the urban underclass,
including the Dalits. This will devastate the Congress. This is also
tectonic because it will reset the ideological divide in Indian politics
from old secular versus communal, particularly if Modi can ensure Muslims
do not come to harm under his rule, and chances are that he will. He will
know that one communal riot under his watch will be one too many, worth too
many I-told-you-sos.

If the minimalistic politics of seeking Muslim votes by merely promising
them physical survival dies, many of them will flock to Arvind Kejriwal.
This will also shake out many of the entrenched secular parties from their
bunkers: most importantly, Mulayam Singh Yadav's SP and Nitish Kumar's
JD(U). Kejriwal may or may not get many seats, but he will sound more
convincingly pro-poor, secular and certainly cleaner than the Congress.

He could emerge as the central figure of future anti-BJP secular alliances.

And finally, the seventh. The election of 2014 could mark a terminal
decline of the Left Front. The left ideology will survive. But possibly in
the AAP. In most states outside of Kerala and West Bengal, the AAP has
already taken away old and loyal left voters. By bringing Soni Sori in the
election in Chhattisgarh, it has also reached out to the extreme left in
our Maoist centre-east. This is the first sign of the current set of
Naxalites checking out the political mainstream. Every Indian should
welcome it.

It is also an opportunity the Left lost out of sheer laziness and
arrogance. In West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee has taken over its space by
sounding more left than it, by looking like a more reliable protector of
the Muslims and, at the same time, decimating the Maoists. Either way, the
Left risks being reduced to a TV studio party, particularly as the seats it
wins in Kerala will be largely seen as a swan song gift from V. S.
Achuthanandan at 90.

Could you have asked for more upheaval from a single general election?
Would you call this change anything but tectonic?

(You may also like to read 'If Modi wins on
National Interest, December 22, 2007)


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