It is hard to believe.
Rajan Parrikar in good faith & out of concern for Goa, has been issuing a series of warnings that all is not well with Goa. Apparently a bunch of non-Catholic builders, entrepreneurs and investors from outside Goa seem to have designs on the prime locations of Goa. They intend apparently to build high-class residence blocks and facilities, targeting wealthy property buyers. These outsiders seem to be looking for the sort of culture and social graces that only Catholic Goa can offer. Else they would have gone to places like that unruly Hindi stronghold, Uttar Pradesh, run by an illiterate BJP sadhu called Yogi Adityanath.

We should be be grateful to Rajan Parrikar for sounding these warnings through a set of emails and video clips but as far as I know, nobody has bothered so far to thank him on the Net. He could next convene a group of interested Goans to monitor the situation and ensure that the identity of Goa is preserved. Frederick's silence is a bit hard to understand. Perhaps FN was stung by Rajan dismissing him as a 'cut-and-paste maestro' instead of focusing substantive issues on GoaNet. Another regular who has not reacted is Aires Rodrigues.

Goans are not doubt grateful that FN allows anyone to write anything (within reason) in GoaNet. You don't even have to be a member.
For that same reason, GoaNet has become home to much trivia.
Perhaps now that he holds the doctorate, FN should consider clarifying the aims of GoaNet and upgrading the forum into different sections & subjects such as Literature and Art. (I am aware that there is a Goa Book Club.) He could be assisted by an informal group or committee of interested users. And could he be persuaded to divulge the subject of the thesis/dissertation for his PhD and the names of his Examiners, especially the External ones.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Rajan Parrikar" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 9 Feb, 21 At 18:12
Subject: [Goanet] Goans, please move out of Goa

Or jump into the Mandovi. Make way for the Delhi pigs.

No points for guessing which politicians were involved in approving this
 upcoming obscenity in Miramar (see video below) -

A couple of kilometres away, a huge concrete project is rising right by the Taleigao church. I am told the land was sold by the church to the builder

Consider this - land belonging to Catholic Goans, sold to Hindu Goan, for the benefit of Dilli p!gs! This all-embracing secular gesture transcending religions and benefiting non-Goans must surely bring a tear or two to the
 eye of our resident humanitarian Frederick (of the "it is all an
 exaggeration, man!" fame).



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