On Sun Dec 19 08:18:48 PST 2010, Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
freddy.agnelo.fernandes at gmail.com wrote :<<< Land Is The Root Cause
Of All The Problems In Goa. On eve of the so called liberation of Goa, Chief
Minister Digambar Kamat finally spoke the truth when he said land is the root
cause of all the problems, both political and apolitical in Goa. Land is an 
that we Goans can ill afford to loose. Land is one commodity that once sold is
gone forever. A number of Goans for short term gains have done away with the
land that was handed down, through generations to them by their forefathers and
for the time being, may not regret but there will come a time when posterity
will curse their elders for

their unforgivable actions.>>>


RESPONSE : Land is not the root cause of all problems in Goa. Our
Goans are gullible to whatever politicians say, and politicians know it. Did we
not have the same land in Goa for the 450 years of Portuguese rule? Do not other
States and Countries have land? Or is it different from land in Goa?

The root cause of all problems in Goa is first the successive
Governments we had, with people without integrity who only looked to their
selfish interest rather than for Goa and Goans as a whole. Governments with no
discipline, promoting favouritism, nepotism and corruption. It has created a
generation of corrupt Goans who benefit from these corrupt elected elements and
elect them time and again for their personal benefits. This generation of
arrogant, indisciplined and semiliterates care two hoots for Goa and are
blinded by short term gains. The Government has been so emboldened that they
are misusing the Law of Land Acquisition with impunity for personal gains. 

So where does our small time landowners have an opportunity to save
their ancestral land for posterity? If the already deceptive and fraudulent
Mundkar Law or Land to the Tiller Law has not yet taken the land from the
rightful owner, it is now the Land Acquisition Act. What options does a small
landowner have? If it is not the government, it is these recalcitrant new
generation who encroach on the land, and justice is nowhere in sight. Goans are
better advised to double check whatever politician speak.


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


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