
Reminds one of  the dear Mother Superior of St. Augustine's, Old Goa, juicily
adopting Augusto Pinto.......and the Sisters of Mercy disowning Mario Goveia 
for disrupting Sunday service with his alleged weapons of Mass destruction! 

To both you poor dearies......
"Cheers, Dears!" 

Pope suspends Kerala Bishop 
Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:51 pm (PDT)

*Pope suspends Kerala bishop*

*Kochi:* Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday suspended Bishop John Thattumkal, who
was involved in a major controversy after he adopted a woman. Fr Stephen 
spokesperson of the Latin church here, said that a communiqué had been received 
the Vatican suspending the bishop and that an enquiry had been ordered into the 

"Archbishop Daniel Acharuparambil here has been asked to constitute a three 
committee consisting of bishops to conduct a detailed inquiry into all that has 
Thattumkal will now hold no office of power," Alathara said. Reports indicate 
that such 
an extreme step has been taken for the first time in the country.

"Going by past records of similar enquiries that have been conducted outside 
our country, 
no one should be surprised if the enquiry takes a few years. The communiqué 
says that a 
final decision would be taken only after the enquiry report is submitted and 
till then he 
remains suspended," Alathara said.

Trouble began for Thattumkal after local media reported the 58-year-old bishop 
had adopted 
a woman named Sony Joseph whose age was said to be 26. It has now emerged that 
she is 
in her late 30s. The news is believed to have been leaked by angry priests of 
the diocese.

The bishop, in a letter, said he was willing to withdraw the adoption if the 
church felt he had 
erred. He is reported to have met the woman during a pilgrimage to Europe last 
April. Sony 
was previously under the guardianship of C K Joseph, a priest of the Thumpamon 
diocese of 
the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church in Pathanamthitta district. His church 
took disciplinary 
action against him in 2005 and since then he has been stripped of all his 
parish duties.

Though Catholic priests here believe the action of the bishop is a violation of 
the church law 
and has no precedence, Thattumkal initially justified his move arguing that 
there had seen 
instances where priests and bishops had adopted children. The Pope's action 
comes after 
the Delhi based Apostolic Nuncio (Vatican ambassador) to India, Archbishop 
Pedro Lopez 
Quintana, had submitted a report to the Vatican after summoning the 
controversial bishop.


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