I hope the below makes some sense to likes of Fredrick Noronha, Mario
Goviea; as to why we have to prevent such things happening in Goa; i,e. have
controlled migration subject to Goan Interests!!
Message: 12
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 12:06:18 +0530
From: jorge dsouza <jorge...@gmail.com>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 When a poor man from a sterile, lifeless village with nothing to satiate
the hunger in his stomach, or heart, comes in search of the proverbial pot
of gold to Bombay. Once in the city, he is confronted with the problem of
finding a roof over his head.

It would be simplistic to think that a disempowered man comes to a city like
Bombay, chooses a piece of land unbridled and decides to set up his shanty.
What is not simplistic, however, and a part of the truth puzzle, is the way
the land mafia operates. It grabs land and then rents, leases out or sells
it to the poor man looking for a roof over his head.

In short, in a modern, urban setting you have a carefully constructed feudal
set-up where the land-grabber -- read Mafia -- more or less owns the people
living on it.

Possessing one more part of the truth puzzle are the bureaucrats. These
modern-day 'feudal rent collectors' with the right kind of grease make the
impossible possible. Most of it is euphemistically called 'legalisation
process'. Whether it is electricity and water connections or ration and ID
cards, everything is available for a price.

In a burgeoning city with little or no natural land, builders enjoy
tremendous power. They, in turn, fit a part of the jigsaw puzzle. They are a
rich source of funding for the ever-hungry politicians, and in turn are
allowed a free use of the muscle of the mafia and the bureaucratic ink of
the formidable civic administration.

Politicians fit the other part of the truth puzzle. Power is what the
politicians want and, fortunately or unfortunately for them, it flows from
the ballot boxes. What better way to get ballot boxes filled than have
captive audiences, which the land mafia gladly provides, of course, for a

Putting together the pieces makes for an ugly picture. But that ugly picture
is the truth.

Almost 60 per cent of Bombay's population of 18 million plus lives in slums.
That is a staggering figure by any standard; something which any city cannot
be proud of.

The endless cycle of slum demolition and rehabilitation cannot end till the
incestuous network between the land mafia, bureaucracy, builders and
politicians is not shattered. That incestuous network cannot be dismantled
till you make sure that men and women do not migrate from rural to urban
areas under distress and because of dispossession. A distressed,
dispossessed man is ripe for exploitation.

The real urban solution lies in men and women in villages finding no reason
to shift to cities. In concrete terms, the UPA government should invest time
and money in agriculture, adding value to it and making it an 'industry'
good enough to provide sustainable employment for 12 whole months and a
robust rural development model that does not force men and women to flock to
Bombay city.

Jorge D'souza

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

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