Dear JC

Glad you enjoyed my writings. How's Florida in sunshine? In the United Kingdom, 
the BBC has posted a happy page "Fifty Words for Rain", see

As a child (around 12 years) during my holidays in Goa, I remember my 
grandmother lighting lamps, not sure which ones, and I sat every evening for 
around the one in the dining room doing fine point hand embroidery, no one 
mentioned anything about spoiling one's eyesight then. Those were the days 
when everything was hand embroidered, pillow cases, cushion covers, arm chair 
covers, chair backs, table cloths, table runners, even those covers for the 
water jug, the ones that had beads around them had a little bit of embroidery 
on the top! Every bride and bridegroom had these fancy embroidered wedding 
cushions with their initials on them, do you remember these? They were used 
during the religious service and then shown off during the reception on the 
wedding sofa and were as much a centre piece of the wedding as the wedding cake 
itself. All these really made up the embroidery threads of our cultural lives.

Some of these items can be viewed in Goa Chitra, an ethnographic museum 
showcasing the rich tradition of implements, tools, arts and crafts. Goa Chitra 
on St John the Baptist Church Road, Salcete, Goa, a must view by any visitor to 
Goa, website

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

9 July 2012

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