Ms Fernandes, it is obvious you have an axe to grind. Your anti Catholic views 
are extremely clear but your beliefs and the group you belong to are not. So 
please clear this anomaly. Regarding the Catholic Church, be advised we are the 
Catholic Church and the hierarchy of the church functions as a guide and 
advisory body to the members of the Church. The church does not command or 
create laws as that would infringe upon our right to free will which is God 
given. The church does not tie you to the pews nor hold a gun to your head. We 
do not consider it proper to interfere in people's lives nor stop young boys 
and seriously accept the random statements young boys make as truth. I know 
many who would have enjoyed themselves at your expense. Roland being one. 
Mother Mary? Well your lack of knowledge is acceptable, but your brainwashed 
ideas being presented a legitimate argument is not. You are entitled to your 
view and beliefs, you have every right to speak to the world of your beliefs 
but you must inform your listeners they are your views and those of the group 
you are a part off or represent. Trying to pass yourself off as a disillusioned 
Catholic is wrong.
Your own statement that Mother Mary was chosen by God to be the Mother of Jesus 
should stop you in your tracks. If God chooses one young girl from the 
trillions of creation. It should make you sit up and take notice. There is much 
about Our Lady you should know and learn. If anyone spoke ill of my Mother I 
would not be pleased. Bear this thought in mind.
Who are you to sit on judgement? Has God given you the right? If not, then 
refrain from criticising the behaviour and actions of others. It is between 
them and their God. God created them, He knows their innermost thoughts and 
secrets, He loves them, and will care for them. Our duty is to help and assist, 
be available to those in need and Love one another. If you would like to take 
this discussion further please contact me.
God bless and keep you today and everyday, may His light shine upon you and may 
you know His peace and Joy.Amen

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