*Subject: Respect Our Right to Identity.*

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Goans are increasingly opposing Land Sales to Non-Goans. I request Non-Goans
to appreciate our basis. Yes, Goans can buy land in many Indian
states/Western countries. But let's look at this in a bigger perspective; *this
time globally*; I'll take the UK example, just to drive my point.

I read an impressive column recently in the UAE media by a UK government
minister. It was ref. the new UK immigration laws; highlight was while the
UK has to be fair to other countries, at the same time it needed them,
particularly India in the letter, to respect each nations right to protect
its genuine interests.

We appreciate why the UK/Western Countries i.e.
MainGlobalisation/Democratic Free World drivers
enact controls against non-locals. In UK, non-locals can buy land, but
immigration controls ensure that the UK is not open to all. Those
questioning my views from UAE, please note that although locals here are in
minority there are safeguards e.g. No Expatriate Political Rights, No
Citizenship, Restrictive Real Estate Buying laws etc. to ensure that the UAE
remains with its people.

Each community has limits to which non-locals can buy land/emigrate (with
political rights). Goa has way crossed this limit; beyond which we have to
put safeguards; the current rate will make Goans irrelevant & no community
can accept the same for themselves. I'd argue today that Goans are more
tolerant than most other communities. The REAL ISSUE is that GOA HAS NO
For those quoting the constitution (A) Goa had no influence to framing of
the constitution i.e. India acquisition of Goa much later in 1961 (B) Some
states have special provisions; Goa is also an exception; just because we *
"failed"* to get safeguards in 1961, does not right the wrong (C) The
Constitution is not cast in stone and for just basis, should be modified to
protect the people; from which a democratic constitution should have been
driven; not vice-versa!!

I accept criticism that Goans are to be blamed significantly for the issue
because of our actions/in-actions; but also issues of Land Sales to
Non-Goans & Uncontrolled Migration are significant and need to be addressed
urgently. Goans should support your right to your identity/interests,
likewise please respect our right to the same.

*Arwin Mesquita, Abu Dhabi.*

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