An excellent decision from an unexpected source has cast another
highlight on Panjim’s superb heritage infrastructure, where the
success of both private and non-state actors serves to underline the
Goa administration’s own entrenched failures over many years and
across every political alignment.

The latest snippet of good news came via Sudhir Jakhere, the senior
superintendent of post offices (SSPO), who announced well-conceived
plans to convert the upper floor of the postal service’s colonial-era
headquarters into the first philately museum in this part of the
country (there are much older ones in New Delhi, Calcutta and

To his credit, SSPO Jakhere has formulated these plans in consultation
with the philatelic community in India’s smallest state, which is
already very excited about exhibitions to showcase Goa’s remarkable
transcultural legacy in stamps. It is an extremely promising starting

Just down the waterfront from the India Post building is another
one-of-a-kind cultural showcase. In its own gorgeous, centuries-old
state headquarters, the Indian Customs and Excise department maintains
its only museum anywhere, which depicts the never-ending battle
between smugglers and the officers tasked with thwarting them.

Good stuff, but what of art? Where can we experience and understand
the peerless legacy of Goa’s artistic heritage from Mesolithic-era
petroglyphs first carved thousands of years ago right to the
foundational figures of Indian modernism: Vasudeo Gaitonde and Francis
Newton Souza?

In addition, what of Indo-Portuguese furniture, which is elsewhere the
centrepiece of grand collections like the V&A? How about the amazing
history of photography in Goa, and by Goan photographers? Shouldn’t we
have a diaspora museum, tracking our story around the world? What
about Goa’s peerless musical legacy, in both Hindustani and Western
classical music, with a highlight reel stretching from Bollywood to
Jazz to Trance?

For all this – and very much more – there is next to nothing. It is an
unconscionable situation, perpetrated over decades of neglect, with
generations of Goans compelled to grow up largely ignorant about their
own historical, cultural, social, artistic and architectural heritage.

Here, it should be noted that the Trindade collection in Fontainhas
allows visitors to view a handful of masterpieces by the Goan exemplar
of the Bombay School of painting. But that is the work of the
Lisbon-based Fundação Oriente, and another Portuguese organization,
the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has been the steadfast supporter of
the Museum of Christian Art in Old Goa (where the Indian government
has also supplied significant funds). This doesn’t say very much about
Goa’s own wherewithal even 60 solid years after decolonization.

The truth is that it wasn’t always like this. The Kala Academy had an
excellent collection of paintings (including two magnificent Gaitonde
canvases that are currently unaccounted for), and the Institute
Menezes Braganza (formerly named after Vasco da Gama) painstakingly
built one of the greatest collections of modern art in India: signed
lithographs by Impressionists like Renoir, Braque, and Pissarro. Until
it became the pariah of successive administrations, there was a State
Museum – albeit an extremely shabby one – where you could see some of
these things.

But it is also equally true that it doesn’t have to remain this way.
Under the leadership of Prasad Lolayekar, who headed the Department of
Art and Culture for a stellar decade until 2017, the state made many
wise investments in improving and upgrading heritage infrastructure.
Now, with new vacancies in another set of stunning buildings at
Altinho – the former Lyceum Complex – as well as the pressing need to
reinvent tourism for the post-pandemic area, there’s another chance to
reposition Panjim as the most exciting cultural destination in India
(which does happen, but only for short spurts such as IFFI or the
Serendipity Arts Festival).

That opportunity is real, but so are the threats. The state spent
millions to renovate the Adil Shah palace, but then half was hijacked
by bureaucrats who have no business being there. The same happened to
the premises of Asia’s first public library. Similarly, the marvellous
spaces in the Old GMC are irresponsibly misused as a warren of tiny
offices that come to life only once a year during IFFI. There is no
comprehensive plan, which indicates that Panjim needs its own director
of art and culture, in order to live up to its inherent promise.

Make no mistake, that potential is endlessly impressive. From the old
PWD complex (which is awaiting adaptive reuse) to the Post Office and
Customs museums, the flowing galleries of the Adil Shah Palace and old
Goa Medical College, the former state library (still to be vacated),
the Institute Menezes Braganza stages, and the readymade set of jewels
that is the former Lyceum Complex, it’s an extraordinary array of
riches. Add to that the renovated Kala Academy, and it is one of the
finest interlinked arrays of heritage infrastructure for the arts,
anywhere in the world.

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