                        **** Goanet Classifieds ****

   Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

    and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

   Those interested can email enescil....@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

     Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


Angola has offered to help cash-strapped and debt-laden Portugal in its
current crisis with purchase of soverign assets and other "trumps" (Angola's

Though there is more than just a charitable agenda in this, it is the spirit
that Goa has not yet shown to its former colonizer.




                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


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