Road accidents make headline news in the state

The tragic  loss of life by road accidents  may be reduced but not
avoided.The roads are too narrow  to handle the increase of vehicle
population . The roads are littered with potholes.The lightening system is
not  adequate and traffic signanals are not functioning.Drunken driving
with free avaiability of alcohol on roadways  is a worry.Mechanical
failures are not major causes.  Overspeeding , overtaking, underage
drivers,  reckless driving, daredevilry, .driving under influence of
alcohol   are major causes besides. dangerous curves , lack of sign
board's, stray animals, overhanging branches.advt blocking or distracting
drivers .seat belts, helmets  speaking on mobiles and rumblers  are
contributory factors .The deterrent  by increase in heavy fines does not
seem to be  effective.The non disputable traffic surveillance must be put
in place .  The fitness test of vehicles  and issuing of licences  are open
for questioning  . The appointment of inspectors of vehicles command a
high price Why?.The fines and taxes are not put to good use.The state
highways and district roads are merged into National highways adding to
risk and congestion. Litigation of accidents takes years for settlement
and shoddy investigation results in acquittal even though  Insurance
companies putting a fierce defence.Suspension / cancelation works only if
there is all India backup. Many times licenses are obtained from various
states.Regulations must be put in place needing upgrade in licence
procedure in  any other state. The rate of deadly accidents on Goa roads
are high compared to vehicle population.  In the west there is road
discipline  and accidents, fines for violations cause increase in payments
across the board and are a deterrent.The  loss of precious lives must be a
great concern to be addressed on war footing .
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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