In 1967 when I started work on my  Ph.d on the Sisal Industry in Tanzania,
I drove to the Village of Kabuku.  I took the short cut through Handeni and
stayed at a Greek run ,motel.  Next morning when I went to see the District
Administrator. I was told there was an emergency.  In a room I saw dozens
of spear, knives etc.  A few hours later I heard that the Swiss Manager of
the sisal estate had been killed

So I decided to  spend the night at Kabubu.  I did not have to pitch my
tent. The Tanzanian Water Engineer from Bukoba in Tanzania told me I could
stay in the self contained caravan.  He strongly urged me to sleep in the
Caravan because there was a maneater in the vicinity.  Being a Goan with a
sense of History I thought of all the Coolies earning a living building a
RAILWAY….they  were being devoured by Lions near Taveta.  I did need much
to be persuaded to have an early dinner  his house.

There was a stew of made from Green bananas.  Six years in Makerere thought
me to appreciate the value of steamed cooking bananas (they call the dish
<<<Matoke>> ) …after all John N was a top cricketer, a future novelist and
my next door Neighbour was George W later to become the Governor of the
Bank of Uganda.  At Kabuku there was a small glass dish with what appeared
to be roasted nuts.  For relish there was a curry made from Bitter Tomato
which grow wild in many parts of Tanzania. The <<<mosted nuts were FLYING
ANTS >>>> They come in profusion in urban area under street lights>>> The
spoonful I ate was was crunchy, had a subtle taste of lemon. It tasted like
the small prawns I ate in Goa

Next morning there was a huge commotion  …there was a Landrover belong to
te Game Department …yes the Black Mane Lion was killed …the proof was in
lifeless animal in the steel floor of the land rover. I stayed  some night
at Kabuku …I wanted to interview the next yet to be rich Tanzanian Sisal
Farmers. The Accommodation in the Camper was free. My allowance of Two BPS
would give me a good meal at the Greek place …sensibly they had not
imported the culture of smashing plates after dinner.

Anyway on the way back to the Caravan, I realized that I needed matches.
So I stopped in a small duku lit by a Koroboi (an old cigarette tin filled
Kerosene with a handle and a tiny wick.)  I  hear the chip chip sound….in
an open space was a Makonde Sisal Worker, working on a two foot log of
black wood.  Makondo are a tribe living in Southern Tanzania and even into
the neighbouring Mozambique ….Their women are scarscified, have a lip plug
about the size of a soda bottle ccover.   The men sharpen their teeth a few
like nails. They are feared and socially ostracized because they were
considered as CANNIBALS

I cannot resist writing a PS….for my work drafting the Water and Sanitation
for the Third Water Development Decade for WHO/UNICEF  I was offered the
position by WHO to be their Representative in the Solomon Island. I
declined …not because of the existence of Cannibals which I had read about
in <<<Robin Caruso>>> I was returning to Tanzania because next door was the
lunatic Iddi Amin


Still a Goan living in Makongo Juu Where one of my rich neighbours serves
Matoke and Senene (Flying Ants)

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