Covid crisis, God is in great demand,

Our attention and respect, He commands,

Relying on strength, we felt strong,

Can`t handle, when things go wrong.

 Punished, cursed, why do humans suffer,?

Silence hurts us, as no solution in offer,

Knocked on the door, for compassion to flow,

Reaction slow, as deaths strike unbearable blow.

Often at times, felt no need,

Banished from life and activities indeed,

Formal prayers, our father, by hour and clock,,

Threatened, frightened by coved shock.

Arise Lord ,your absence is unclear

Recall Lazarus death laments, if you were here,

With hope and trust, we cling

Your praise and glories continue to sing,

Man has sinned against God and others, we repent,

Inspire a cure Lord, plead for your consent,

Ignored, discarded, and  shunted out,

Listen to our pleas, as we cry out.

With folded hands on bended knees, we pray,

The scourge of deaths, contagions, command to stay,

Sufferings, miseries, pray soon to  end,

Merciful and healing hand, touch sufferings on this land.

Listen Lord, to SOS, we plead and cry

Forgive our transgressions, as we repent and try,

Dispel our anxieties, and worry,

Offended, disobeyed, humbly say sorry

Nelson Lopes ,Chinchinim


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