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 Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) Dr Oscar Rebello has been nominated 
  for CNN-IBN's Indian of the Year Award 2007 in public service category

Vote for him at:


Anil Desai wrote:
  "I am astonished that you could give such a clear example of dumb logic and 
twisted thinking. Correct me if I am wrong but it was Digambar and congress 
government that came into being because of him stabbing Parriker in the back 
that thrust 2011plan and SEZs on Goa. Are you seriously suggesting that ir was 
Parriker who was responsible for these two massive land scams? Secondly, if GBA 
and Oscar Rebello were so successful in protecting the goan land mass and 
environment because of their agitation in 2007, how come within months people 
of Goa had to come on the streets against SEZs. Was GBA asleep or was it 
complicit? Do we know whether all the land conversions under 2011 have been 
reversed? There should be no doubt that for the scrapping of SEZ, credit should 
go to Mathany, firstly for keeping a lot of disparate groups together and also 
for the master stroke of veiled threat vis a vis tourismthat ultimately 
persuaded this corrupt bunch of congressmen and women to do away
 with SEZ.. Oscar, unfortunately, got close to SVM and if you were there at the 
Lohia Maidan meeting you would have heard the convener of SVM proclaiming his 
support for Digu and Congress. So much for 'Apolitical' GBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  Lastly, as far as we know, Mathany has not been nominated for any award or 
has he? Twisted thinking indeed. Anil Desai"
  Dear Anil 
  You are confused , politically blind. You need to be ashamed not astonished. 
Which politician in the last two decades or so has not back stabbed to gain 
personal political mileage? You tacitly sanctify Parrikar and Mathany and 
castigate Oscar and deride the GBA movement. Name any seasoned hardcore 
politician who has not involved in loot mar and wholesale destruction of Goa 
for their own conceited and selfish motives. Name any politician who has not 
politically horse traded for their own selfish interest. Name one. The highest 
award possible may be conferred on him. Or are you suggesting that Parrikar and 
Mathany are the best among the worst. Goa’s destruction , SEZ and scams are the 
making of the corrupt politicians and their cronies who work at cross purposes 
and confound confusion among the cross section of Goans. Which sane Goan needs 
any further proof of this political insanity. Goa has spun out of control and a 
few Goans on this forum too are involved in brick bats
 and aggravating the situation instead of collaborating and working towards 
peaceful and prosperous Goa. Not only twisted , confused, crooked and tangled 
thinking!!!! And lastly Oscar has not gone fishing for awards. It is declared. 
The Oscar award goes to the common people of Goa!!!!
  John Collaco

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