Goan Archives Canada

The Goan Archives Project


The Goan Archives  mission is to assemble, preserve, organize, and
store, publications and documents generated by Goan Community Groups
in Canada over the last 40 years. The intent is to facilitate study
and understanding of the Community by scholars and researchers in the


Publications and documents cover the following:

-          Brochures, newsletters, & books published by Goan
organizations in Canada

-          Fliers, programs, and other printed material, which portray
the activities of community groups.

-          Newspaper cuttings and other published accounts relevant to
the Goan Community.

-          Photographs, albums and other graphic material pertaining
to activities of Goan organizations.

 Who will “Own” the Collection

 All material archived will be deemed to be a donation to the
Archives, administered by a Board of Trustees.  Donors will need to
sign a waiver transferring ownership. Duplicate or surplus items with
market value may be disposed off at the discretion of the Trustees to
defray costs, or conserve storage space.

What will happen to the collection?

1. After sorting and listing, the archived material will be stored in
standard bankers boxes.

2. Selected items may be scanned and stored on electronic media.

3. Initially the boxes will held at a secure storage site.

4. Heritage Canada will be consulted to determine a final accessible repository.

What will be the size of the Collection?

Estimated 12-15 bankers’ boxes.


A steering group drawn from sponsors will manage the project initially.

.A Board of Trustees will be elected to takeover the Project.

They will appoint a coordinator supervise archiving activities.

All  Goan organizations, and individuals will be invited to donate
articles for archiving.

The initial effort is expected to conclude at the end of  2009.

Current Status

A core group of sponsors has been setup to initiate the project.

Their principal task will be to solicit further sponsors so that that
the objectives of the project are fulfilled. . Sponsors can be either
individuals or Goan organizations; Sponsorship numbers will be
limited, based on the amount of funding needed to complete the

To participate in this project as a Sponsor or Donor please email:

Cecil D’Cruz

Chair - Goan Archives Steering Group.

Email: cecil.dc...@gmail.com


[Thanks to Judy Luis-Watson <jluiswatso...@gmail.com> for drawing my
attention to this. Judy is Volunteer Coordinator at Archives II in
College Park, Maryland.]

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

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