It was late evening. Simao enters his home from his office. His wife (Pelegrin) 
wassitting on the sofa and reading a magazine:-

Simao: Hi darling. 

Pelegrin: Oh, there you are. Come on now, changeyour clothes and go straight to 
the kitchen, there are so many utensils to bewashed.

Simao: Ok darling (goesinside to change)

Pelegrin shouts outto their dog (Tiger):

Pelegrin: Tiger …….?. Tiger? Come here……

The dog (Tiger) was in the pet-room, and don’tbother to listen Pelegrin or 
moveeven a single inch.

With anger Pelegrin goes to thepet-room and beats him, put the chain to the 
dog’s neck and bring him to the kitchenwhere her husband Simao was 

Pelegrin: Tiger? Now stand on your two legs, I said stand on your two legs and 
put yourhands up.

The dog gives deaf ear to the Pelegrin’s command.

Simao: Darling, I feel, youwill never succeed in making that dog obey you!

Pelegrin: Nonsense, it’s only a matter of some timeand patience,I had a lot of 
trouble with you at first.

Cajetan deSanvordem



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