A middle aged married couple (JackSimao & Rakelin) quarrels most oftenly. Few 
daysthey will not talk and then they will be so loving to each other that it 
lookslike that they never fought in their life.

On this Carnival day:-

Rakelin: Darling, tonight lets go for the Carnival Dance at Sinquetim.

JackSimao: Sorry, I have to go to watchCarnival Khells.

Rakelin: Khell.. Khell.. Khell, what’s there in those Khells? I hate it.

JackSimao: That’s your problem.

Rakelin: Please skip those Khells today and take me to Sinquetin Dance.

JackSimao: NO means NO. 

And the fight began… Rakelin inanger goes to market, buys poison, eats and 
after sometime, nothing happened toher:

JackSimao: (Shoutsto Rakelin) Lot of time, I told you, check properly before 
buying things, looknow, money is wasted and work is still incomplete!!!

Cajetande Sanvordem





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