SO I………

A 19years young man (Clayton) drives home with a brand-new PORSCHE car which 
surprised tohis parents (Leandro & Belinda):-

Leandro: (Demands) From where did you get that car?

Clayton: (Replies calmly) I bought it today.

Belinda: With what money?

Leandro: (Exclaims) We know what a Porsche costs. 

Clayton: With my allowancemoney, it was just Rs:1,500/=.

Leandro: (Shocked) What???

Leandro: Who the heck soldyou a brand-new Porsche for One Thousand Five Hundred 

Clayton: It was the lady (Aurora) from the next ward. She saw me ride past on 
my bike and asked meif I wanted to buy Porsche for One and a half thousand.

Leandro: Well, there mustbe some kind of mistake.

Belinda: Leandro, you go right up there and see what’s going on.

Leandro : (Goes to the Aurora’s house) Did you sell thePorsche car to my son?

Aurora: Oh, yes, I hope heis enjoying it.

Leandro: Yes, very much. But,may I ask you what made you to sell it for such a 
low price?

Aurora: Well, yesterdaymorning I got a phone call from my husband. I thought he 
was on a businesstrip, but I learned from a friend that he ran away with his 
secretary and doesn’twant to come back.

Leandro: Oh….., but aboutthe Porsche?

Aurora: Yesterday on phone,he said that he urgently needs money, he asked me to 
sell his new Porsche,which was in my name and send him money. So I did.

Cajetan de Sanvordem



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