A marriedman (Tetulino) was on Colva beach with his girlfriend (Ursula) :-

Ursula:Darling? Why don’t you shave your beard.

Tetulino:Why? Don’t you like it?

Ursula: Oh Darling, I like your beard, but I wouldreally love to see your 
handsome face.

Tetulino: My wife loves this beard, she said never to shaveit. So I don’t want 
to hurt her feelings.

Ursula: (In a sexy little voice) Oh…. please, At least one time, then you 
cangrow it up again.

One fine Saturday afternoon Tetulino called his wife (Andrez)at home:

Tetulino: Sweetheart,today I have lot of work in the office, so I’ll be late, 
I’ll have dinner inthe office and come home, you please eat and go to sleep, 

Andrez:Okay Love.

Just to makehis girlfriend (Ursula) happy Tetulino after leavinghis office at 3 
p.m. goes to Barber shop and shaves his beard and then goes forthe date with 

It was 10p.m. Tetulino reached  Ursula at her place. Andwas driving back to his 
home. Tetulino said tohimself:

Tetulino: Ihope my wife will forgive me for shaving my beard, I shall tell her 
that while trimmingmy beard, the Barber made the mistake, thus I had to clean 
shave but I willpromise her that I will never… ever… shave again. I don’t want 
to hurt my dearwife, I am lucky to have such a Loving, Caring, Humble, 
Faithful, Honest and Trustworthywife.

Afterreaching home, Tetulino saw his wife was sleeping, since next day 
wasSunday, he thought that he will show his face to her tomorrow by 
explainingwhat made him to shave his beard. He off the bedroom light and slowly 
crawled ontothe bed..
Andrez woke up somewhat, turn towards Tetulino and felthis face:

Andrez: (Surprised withfear) Oh, Frank, you shouldn't be here this time. I 
phonedyou  to come earlier and not this late,now please go, my husband will be 
home soon!

Cajetan de Sanvordem


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