Right from electing so called winnable candidates, to going after service 
providers to censure hate speeches, in fact any problem; why is it that we 
never tackle the problem simply where it all begins? We are being fooled or 
fooling ourselves by our ego and prejudices, religion and caste flowing from 
them and thriving. Forexample isn't it easier and makes sense to simply  shut 
up the hate mongers, police speak the language they understand on them and not 
the victims? Problem solved at root and all fallout stopped in its tracks!That 
is what police are there for and no one else authorized to use force! Outside 
temples, mosques,churches we do not generally follow the preachings and 
teachings of love, joy and peace embracing the brotherhood of man. There is no 
respect and decency shown on the road, nations are polarized living internally 
and externally in war zones. Such a lot of waste of finances and emotions, 
violence, pain and destruction, with starving and millions of fellow beings in 
dire straits and destroying nature in more ways than one. There is no justice 
equal for all and we have turned this beautiful world into disease and turmoil! 
Corona is a result and no one rich or poor, young or old, high or low are safe. 
Does society have to replicate Corona?

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