Sympathy towards old aged homes maitained by Social welfare Dept
People with good  intentions want to remember their departed  or get rid of
guilt complex  out of fear The treats to old aged home needs a rethink
Their outrageous demands have no parallel exploiting the sentiments .There
is no register maitained for the day and it leads to  misappropriation of
rations sanctioned by the Social welfare   They also include staff  for
this benefit .You will be surprised that  you cannot meet them or serve
them   The authorities simple forward the objections without asking for
compliance and their remarks   In our villages the Catholics have Vincent
de Paul Society  catering to the poor and deserving .It goes directly to
the beneficiary  without an iota of doubt Why then support Govt aided homes
.It makes no sense making outrageous demands of menu when that is not their
daily serve.Besides you can decide what suits your purse  and that can
spread over a period of times

Nelson Lopes

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