Yesterday A. Veronica gave me a Sardine recipe which turned out super delicious and it was super easy

In a Pressure Cooker :
3 dozen (Two vaataas in Goa) sardines, beheaded ;o), gutted, scaled and washed
2 sliced med size onions
1 sliced tomato
4 sliced garlic
2" ginger sliced in half and crushed
1/2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 sprig curry leaves
2 slit green chillies
juice extracted from soaking a lime size ball of tamarind in a katori of water or tamarind paste 1 tblsp
Salt to taste
1 tablespoon coconut oil (olive oil can do as well I imagine)
1 cup water

Pressure cook on medium heat. Cook for 30 to 40 mins after the first whistle
All this time say a short prayer for A. Veronica (vital ingredient)

When serving, remove delicately from the cooker
The sardines stay firm but the bones are soft and edible
Enjoy.....the dish and the compliments!


PS: A Portuguese recipe uses corriander seeds instead of fenugreek but I have not tried that

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