I can fully sympathize with Dr. Anesimo. However, let us not forget that
democracy is a messy way of finding the way, because it needs to adjust to
the demands to all sectors of the population. And many sectors of the
population do not often know what they want, or do not want to dirty their
hands in politics! In a democracy every dog has his day. Every election
brings up some dogs to the fore!  It is not like in dictatorships in which
only one dog has all the days! Fortunately, as long as they last!

As for Liberation, it can never be a finished product. Like democracy it is
always under construction and should continue to be so. There is no question
of second liberation or third or fourth liberation...

Message: 2

Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2008 08:45:34 -0500


Subject: [Goanet] Goa needs a second Liberation!



Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"




Dear Goanet readers.


I have been a keen follower of not just Goanet, but the happenings in Goa
over the years (especially the social and political scene). I have decided
to write on Goanet after much soul searching.

Although born and having? undergone my graduate and postgraduate education
in Goa, I have lived abroad for many years and visit Goa frequently. My last
trip to Goa was a few weeks back and I was utterly dismayed and frustrated
like? most? Goans? in Goa and around the world, by the drastic deterioration
in infrastructure and total breakdown of administration since my?previous



I was shaken by how much disillusionment was there among the people,
specially the not too well off. Wherever I went and whoever I spoke to,there
was a constant refrain about how corruption has skyrocketed, specially
during the last few years!







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