Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread & More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

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Some months ago, Melvin Strawn and I became friends via FB. Born in 1929 and
educated at stellar schools — Chouinard and California College of Arts &
Crafts; his blog posts are lucidly written and are very rewarding in terms
of perceptual comprehension -- certainly to me, considering I guess -- that
my artistic labor and concerns are on a path less trodden, less obvious.

Here in a recent post, Secret Lies:
Reading at this year's end a 1975 book by José Argüelles, The Transformative
Vision, In Chapter 9-Caricature as Truth: Seeing Beyond Official Truth, I
find this, paraphrased: "...according to (William) Blake the most stifling
and repressive influence on art is the belief in the primacy of money...(by
this) true art, the work of the eternal imagination, has been driven
underground: it has become a secret. ...the materialist drive for progress
at any cost requires increasing secrecy on the part of society's leaders.
Political secrecy lies behind the public lie-hypocrisy. "
(Read more at the blog below)
venantius j pinto

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