* * * * * * * * *       ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET       * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org


Gilbert wrote to Kevin on Goanet:
>As usual you and others responding to my post attack the messenger.  You >did 
>not write any original thoughts. So, as a suggestion, you (and >others) could 
>respond to:

President Pandurang is very happy that Gilbert has appointed himself the 
messenger on Goanet.  The President had great difficulty understanding 
Gilbert’s latest post on god because this time he said nothing about diet and 
food, but used big words such as pleural secularism and quasi-ethical wonkery, 
and shared extremely original thoughts that you will not find in any book or 
dictionary. Nonetheless, here is how the President finally understood what 
Gilbert meant to say.

>The rest of your characterization (and those of others) is a facile >little 
>bit of quasi-ethical wonkery.:=)) If you do not believe in a soul >and 
>life-after-death, please have the >courage of your conviction to say >so 
>succinctly. Thus, you can save us from the >kathakali dance.

No dictionary gives the meaning of quasi-ethical wonkery. So the President 
asked the very ethical Kazi from Indira Nagar what it means. Kazi Quasim said, 
"Humko kya maalum ye wonkar-bonkar kya hai. Koyi humko ye bola to bolo usko hum 
uske wonkar khont marenge. Phir vo kathakali sayi tara karega".

>"Pleural secularism" is the modern lingo for the age-old "gnosticism" >where 
>everyone has THEIR  OWN divine soul and personal knowledge of god.  >Pleural 
>secularism (and other such labels) is nothing more than 'Old wine 
>>(gnosticism) in a new bottle'.

Because Gilbert used a big medical term, the President had to consult a
Portuguesa anatomie profsor to find out where in the pleural cavity of the 
thorax is this secularism. Many years ago when the President had gone to GMC to 
complain about a problem with his constitution, they put a tube in his side. 
They said the tube was because he had a pleural effusion.  The water that came 
out of the tube was like old wine, and they put it in a new bottle every 6 
hours. May be, Gilbert is talking about something like this, and not the 
secular pluralism in the constitution of India. If so, the President wants to 
know from Gilbert what other such labels besides pleural secularism he should 
put on those new bottles.

About gnosticism, on Gilbert’s advice we have already banned the teaching of 
knowledge (gnana) in our Chimbel schools of thought. Nobody there now has their 
own divine soul and personal knowledge of god. We do not add god to any food 
served to the children, in any case.




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