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FOUNDED:  17TH October 2009

Security at Old Goa A Worrying Sign.

Kudos and hats off to Herald Editorial, this is exactly what the Goans all over the world are expecting from “The Voice of Goans, HERALD ”. Such write-ups had really brought changes in Govt. policies or local authorities like Panchayats or Municipalities etc.

The treatment meted out to Church authorities at Old Goa cannot be digested. We the Goans are pained and shocked to hear such treatments from Goa Govt. or other agencies. It seems that this Cong. Govt. is seriously hand in gloves with RSS or Sangh Parrivar. Somehow or the other they want the most loved place of Goa “Amcho Goycho Saib” area to be spoiled or vanish. The local Panchayat had allowed a temple to be constructed behind the Basilica so that there may be some disputes in near future amongst the Hindus and Catholics. It is a well organised plan to reduce the importance of the sacred place like OLD GOA.

The Kamat govt. should be held responsible for any eventuality and Goan public should start complaining at the Congress High Command at Delhi that this Goa govt. is supporting RSS ideology in Goa and for not acting as a secular govt. They are listening more to the Sangh Parivaar then to the people electing them to power.

During 2007 the Devotees and pilgrims had even charged money by the local authorities for the parking of vehicles in the Bhakia property. They require developing and beautifying this area for parking and other utility services. A TOTAL BAN IN AND AROUND 500 MTS OF RADIUS HAS TO BE IMPLEMENTEDD AT THE EARLIEST. No construction whatsoever is to be allowed within this area. Can Herald take this lead and help lakhs of devotees who comes there to give homage and respect for “”AMCHO GOYCHO SAIB””.

Francisco Fernandes.
President: International Voice For Romi Konknni-UK

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