Security issue of PM
The exaggeration and hype can wait till the inquiry is completed and that
is a sensible approach.Does SPG relies entirely on the State apparatus or
does it do a recee on its own The original  plan by air suddenly changed to
road route for good reasons.
Where is the alternative route, escape route that is a vital part of
contingency.. why was PM detained on fly over for 20 minutes?
Why  was  the motorcade not  immediately  reversed as was done later .If
the site is within Pakistan   range of fire why was such a route preferred
as he could be a moving target also Just Because Punjab is a border state
does it mean travels are perpetual dangerous ?.No slogans ,no protests or
firing at site.Hence the danger and harm to PM is hypothetical or
Why would Punjab Govt invite and provide fodder for propaganda mill, that
would only benefit campaigns in UP and closer at Punjab.The hype even in
meeting President is part of well orchestrated  melo drama  to earn
self-pity or sympathy in the cauldron of Punjab,in a year long agitation of
farmers, that has not concluded on a happy feelings
It is natural that wounds are healed  but scars remain..
The hurry in jumping the gun before inquiry is complete smells of ulterior
The problems facing the country like omicron  ravaging the health system
are put on back burner, as the  electronic media,  press are devoting
excessive attention to this single issue.The videos propagating hate
campaign are 6 months old and such sentiments will always be exploited and
if they were so serious why raise concerns so late in the day to suggest
Some can  be fooled at times  others at sometimes   but not all fools at
all times.
The nation's concerns  for safety of PM is paramount and there was enough
protection even in the present incident to assume assassination  attempt  a
figment of fertile imagination
Let the inquiry nail those responsible for dirilection of responsibilities
and action taken as per law deemed fit , and until then let the Nation move
on peacefully without agitated mind.No political advantage or backlash for
electoral  gains accrue to anyone by raising issues to the hilt and beyond
a point .

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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