Dear Goans,

A prominent GOAN writes to me thus. I have advised him to put in his application now that Mr. Pandurang Nadkarni has backed out after Aires Rodrigues' RTI petitions. This Party would be very happy if such colourful personage is selected to head the Information Commission of Goa as it's Information Commissioner. Merits only should get this gentleman Goan this job. If it was Goa Su-Raj Party ruling in Goa, this post would probably go to this Goan if there was no other better qualified person to take this post.

Hopefully, this gentleman will put in his application and we do hope that it will be considered by the government and the Governor of Goa. It would be a feather in the cap for GOA, after the ordeal that Goa had to go through with Pandurang Nadkarni's posting.


----- Original Message ----- To:
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: Selection of State Information Commissioner, Goa

Dear  Floriano,

I have been following your deliberations over the selection etc of the State Info Commissioner on the Goanet with some interest. As we discussed this morning, I am sorry that I had no idea that the post was going to be vacant shortly - or else I would have applied. With the controversy raised by Mr Rodrigues on various grounds, do you think the selection will be re-opened - with fresh applications being called for?

Again, as I informed you this morning, I am posted as Deputy Director-General in the Ministry of Defence, having got into the Civil Service through the IAS Exams of 1978. I joined in July 1979 and am due to retire on superannuation at the end of August this year. In my career I have looked after industrial units employing 7000+ employees - handling trade unions, staff associations, and industrial relations on a large scale. Administration of large and small units is therefore my forte.

I am a member of the Bar Council of Maharashtra (in the 'non-practising' category, since I had joined service after clearing the LLB in 1978). I have been handling cases pertaining to the Ministry of Defence - effectively - in all fora including the Supreme Court.

(My grandfather used to be a judge in the Bombay Presidency till 1929, and my uncle retired as the Civil & Sessions Judge of Bombay in 1977).

I have been CPIO in various untis of the Ministry of Defence since the date on which the RTI Act, 2005, came into force. At present I am the Appellate Authority under the Act for my office which is situated in Mumbai. I have been actively spreading awareness on the subject of RTI through lectures in various fora in Chennai (my earlier place of posting), at the National Academy of Defence Production, Nagpur, and now in Mumbai.

I have also done considerable work on the improvement of the working conditions of Contract Labour in Government units - my book on the subject is being released shortly.

I have been functioning as a Vigilance Officer and have introduced systems for avoidance of corruption in areas directly within my sphere of control.

Do you think I can apply now?! As I was born in Goa and left it in my infancy due to my father's postings under the Central Govt, I have been trying to get a posting in Goa for a long time!! I would be grateful if you could inform me of any such openings being available in the near future.

Thank you, and hoping to hear from you soon.

Is interviewing PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES (all 40 Constituencies of Goa) for
Elections 2017 [Saturdays Only] at Party's City Office, 2nd. Flr. Karekar Bldg, Above Indian Overseas Bank, Angod-Mapusa. For further details call 9890470896 or 9422060347.
Let us endeavour to set up GOA'S effective High Command in Goa.

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