I would be honored if the ever so pompous and
patronizing Gilbert would tell us what he means when
he says that homosexuals, divorcees attempt to promote
their lifestyles as "progressive". Is that code for
this group of people simply asserting their rights in
society? What gives Gilbert the right to judge say a
woman who may have been abused by her husband and then
choose to get divorced?

If this were a different century, the issue could just
as well have been the emancipation of women. Just
imagine the revolutionary and "progressive" thought of
women having the right to get an education, vote or
run for office! 

I am sorry, but Gilbert comes across as being a very
close minded person and is consistent with his narrow
minded views that assumes the moral superiority of 
his christian faith over those of the others. However,
I am sure he has a huge fan base amongst some in the
old guard who continue to cling on to such outmoded
concepts. Nasci, are you there?


---  Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Elisabeth,
> Thanks for your final response on the religion
> thread.  My reply was merely a response to your
> prior post on that thread.  My reaction to an
> atheist is "benign neglect" and I have expressed
> this before.  It is no different as towards someone
> who smokes, divorced, lives a homosexual life style,
> or cheats on their spouse.  What they do is their
> problem.  Yet, I would not stand idle if they
> publicly make the case that their life style is
> fashionable and progressive.  Sorry, a few of us
> Goans, have blown a hole in that "intellectual"
> image. Below are my thoughts on the Norm de Plum. 

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