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"Fr Joy Thomas" mangaloreancathol...@gmail.com
Dear Ancy,
Greetings from Fr. Joy in Pune!
I have sent out an invitation to the Principals and teachers for a Secular 
Meeting here at Ishvani Kendra. About 200 people have responded. Attached is 
Yours sincerely,
Fr. Joy Thomas SVD

Dear Principals and Teachers,

The socio-political scenario of the last few months has significantly raised 
threats from communal politics in India. In spite of that Christmas came with 
message that every problem is a possibility in disguise as it was for Jesus. He 
impressed by what the world could become never depressed by what the world was. 
So I 
wish you A Peaceful NEW YEAR! May Jesus enable us to work fearlessly and 
courageously to remove all that is bad, sad and mad from the face of our 

On 9th and 10th December 2008, a National Meeting was organised here in the 
of violence, terror and attacks particularly against minorities. We were made 
of the urgent need to understand the problem and conscientise as many people as 
possible about the possible consequences to our lives. The participants worked 
an action plan to combat communal forces on a war footing. As a first step, 
with the 
full blessing of our Bishop, Ishvani Kendra is organising a one-day seminar on 
Democracy and Minority Rights on Saturday 17th January 2009.

I wish to invite all the principals and two teachers from each of our schools, 
this important seminar starting at 9.30 a.m. (registration) and ending at 5.30 
Most Rev. Valerian D Souza, the Bishop of Poona, will inaugurate the seminar at 
a.m. and Fr. Cedric Prakash from Gujarat, Advocate Irfan Engineer from Mumbai 
Mr. Neeraj Jain from Pune will be the resource persons. We cannot accommodate 
than 200 people. So please contact Ishvani Kendra office in advance to inform 
your participation.  To defray the cost of basic expenses, we would appreciate 
contribution of Rs. 100/- from each participant who can afford it!

Looking forward to your active participation,
Yours sincerely,

Fr. Joy Thomas SVD.
Director, Ishvani Kendra
Sainikwadi, Off Nagar Road
P. Box 3003, Pune-411 014
Tel: 020-27033507/ 9403185214
Fax: 020-27032375


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