Our friend will remain anonymous.    eric.

Re your posting on GoaNet..............

For several years in my vaddo of      , i roamed the streets picking up litter, 
paper and plastic packaging flung from buses, and empty bottles etc.  I picked 
them up with my
"picker-upper" gadget, put them in a garbage bag, took them far away and burnt 
the lot.  The hardest job was getting rid of the glass bottles.  Having a clean 
vaddo makes everyone happy.

Result of my efforts ?  My fellow villagers, seeing this bhatkar pick up trash 
were obviously ashamed
and there was a conscious effort to keep their surroundings clean.  Now, our 
local MLA instituted
door to door Garbage collection which made my work redundant.The rag pickers 
roaming the streets picking up plastic items has also been of immense help.

It can be done.  We have to swallow our pride, have some civic sense, and 
leading by example people will follow.'

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