Why does China soar where India continues to struggle? The most basic
reason is state priorities towards education. Both countries started
off at roughly the same point, shattered by the colonial period. As of
1947, the literacy rate in India was barely 11%. But the Chinese
emulated Japan’s earlier policy choices (and were themselves soon
copied by the South East Asian “tigers”) by investing very heavily in
primary education. By contrast, Nehru focused national resources on
higher and technical education, leaving hundreds of millions
effectively left out of the nation’s aspirations. Those fateful
decisions underlie the trajectory of both countries right into the

In this regard, the latest Annual State of Education Report (ASER)
surveying schools across India illuminates hope, as well as
considerable room for further improvement. Produced by the giant
non-governmental organization, Pratham Education Foundation, “ASER
continues to be the only national source of information about
children’s foundational skills across the country” and its vast
operations involves 500 partner organizations and 25,000 volunteers
reaching out to 589 districts encompassing 562,305 children in 17,473

First the very good news. ASER 2018 reports school enrolment has
reached 97% nationwide, and all trends for primary school attendance
are up. While it comes at least two generations late, this means that
universal literacy is just around the corner for India. But the
jubilation must be tempered, because ASER also reports barely half
(50.3%) of fifth-standard students can adequately read at
second-standard level, which is still better than the proportion of
eighth-standard students who can divide a three digit number by a
single digit one. In both these simple tests, national performance has
actually declined over the past four years.

There’s tremendous variation in ASER 2018, as must be expected from
the wildly diverse and fiendishly complicated educational landscape
across India. In Manipur, 70% of students go to private schools. In
Kerala, fifth-standard student reading ability catapulted 10% in two
years (Himachal Pradesh, Chhatisgarh and Odisha are not far behind).
But states like Jharkhand, West Bengal, Gujarat and Rajasthan are all
trending in the opposite direction, which does not bode well for the
future of economic growth in many parts of the country.

 “The learning levels of children are indicators of effectiveness or
productivity of the education system” writes Madhav Chavan, in an
introductory chapter of ASER 2018, “Anyone looking at the levels in
2008 and 2018 would conclude productivity is down by nearly 9
percentage points, or about 18 percent…This means that not only are we
not creating a sufficiently literate population, but that most of our
population is functionally illiterate. The fact that we are seeing
some improvement in learning outcomes now is a welcome change,
assuming that the improvement will continue. But, first of all, the
positive change is slow and uncertain. It has to be understood that we
are struggling even with basic literacy and numeracy. We are far from
becoming an educated nation.”

Tiny Goa is quite different, primarily due to visionary leadership
against the Nehruvian tide by Dayanand (Bhausaheb) Bandodkar
immediately after 1961. Goa University’s Parag Porobo writes in his
excellent ‘India’s First Democratic Revolution’, “Long before lower
castes elsewhere in the nation had recognized as a group what their
numerical strength could do for them in a democracy, Goa’s Bahujan
Samaj — a loose conglomeration of lower castes — rallied behind
Dayanand Bandodkar…when the entire country was driven by Nehru’s
vision of investments in industries and higher education as an
apparatus of development, Goa, through Bandodkar’s governance,
prioritized human development through concentrated efforts on
schooling and health.”

Due to this wise choice, India’s smallest state long ago crested to
the top of the national literacy charts. Which highlights different
challenges, that derive mainly from shamefully limited and mediocre
higher education choices. Goa has every possible natural advantage,
but its colleges lag far behind those even right across the border,
which narrows options for students as they proceed through school. In
2014, the last year for which reliable data is available, an abysmal
28% of students dropped out in high school.

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