
See my earlier note to Chris Vaz on Goanet below. St Peter was the only 
aposle to be crucified upside down and that too by choice. He preferred it 
that way because he wanted to suffer more than Christ, But the truth is that 
he probably didnt - because death is faster (and relatively less painful in 
the case of upside down crucifixtion due to massive brain hemmorraging, than 
in the case of Crucifixtion Jesus' style.

St Thomas The Apostle (the Patron Saint of Builders aka Doubting Thomas 
because of his oft-quoted "Trust but Verify" saying - he did stick his 
fingers in to confirm the wounds of the Risen Lord), on the other hand,  was 
speared to death on St. Thomas Mount near Mylapore India. Do you have any 
more info from your home work on St. Thomas' death ? Was he on the cross 
when he was speared to death or was he just running away ? Do let us know !

Yes, Crucifiction was a particularly Roman form of Torture in Biblical 
times, but if the current swell of support for it in prominently Christian 
Goa continues (except for some Europe-influenced Goanetter - who do not have 
any more effective solutions), it will be more famously known as a 
distinctly Goan form of Capital Punishment (It is a strong deterrent and 
becomes economically viable along with organ harvesting - so that more Goans 
live when criminaks are crucified) and it will largely responsible for a 
relatively crime -free Goa of the future, resultant swell in the tourism and 
high tech business and will help us achieve our ideal of Goa Dourada (Golden 
Goa) ! If you were a criminal in Goa would you want to commit violent crime 
in Goa when the capital punishment is upside down crucifiction and organ 
harvesting ? Think about it - that's exactly what the Bhailes will feel and 
keep away from our Goa Dourada !

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 00:22:53 -0500
From: "afra dias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Crucified upside down
To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";


Any one who says St Thomas was crucified upside down has not done their
They are writing rubbish to get some publicity.
Crucifiction was particulary a Roman form of killing by torture, not Indian.
Indians of those days would not know what crucifiction was in the first



St Peter was the only apostle whho chose to be crucified upside down as he 
wanted to suffer more than Jesus. Apparently St Thomas the aostle aka 
"Doubting Thomas" (who is also the patron saint of builders) was speared o 
death in South India. Scientifically dath by upside=down hanging is more 
immediate that being hung head-up Jesus  style becaue of masive hemmoragng 
to the brain. You  cansee pictures of St, Peter's cruxifiction and get an 
idea of what its  like.


>From: Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <>, 
>Subject: Re: [Goanet] St Thomas Crucified Upside Down on St. Thomas Mount ?
>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 00:02:12 -0500
>Could someone please provide pictures of upside down crucifictions -- I 
>would specially like those frothing 'n foaming from the mouth...
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 5:00 AM
>Subject: [Goanet] St Thomas Crucified Up
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