(OCTOBER 16, 2007)

I shall be visiting the Gulf countries in the months of November and December next to interact with Goan emigrants and to meet officials of the local Government dealing with questions of emigration at the political and other senior levels. My tour to the different countries of the Gulf region is being organized by the Ministry of External Affairs and by our Embassies in those countries. I will be accompanied by the Chairman of the Overseas Employment Agency of Goa, Vice Admiral (retd.) John d' Silva and the Director for NRI Affairs, Shri U.D. Kamat.

In the first leg of my visit to the Gulf region I shall visit Kuwait from November 7-9 and Doha (Qatar) from November 11-13. During my visit to Kuwait I shall meet the Minister of Social Welfare and Labour of the State of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled, hold discussions with Kuwaiti officials, meet the community organizations and other relevant organizations and discuss matters concerning attestation, documentation etc. with Al-Haqooq lawyers who manage the legal affairs of our Embassy in Kuwait. I will also attend the Goa Day celebrations organized by the Goan Welfare Society on November 9 and participate in a seminar arranged by the Society.

My visit to Doha (Qatar) will be on November 11-13 and broadly on the lines of the visit to Kuwait.

The visits to Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Muscat will be held by the end of November and in December next.

. The Report of the Global Goans Convention (Gomant Vishwa Samelan) held last January has been released today. It will help the Government to frame appropriate policies for the welfare of non-resident Goans. The Report is available free of cost to all those who participated in the Convention or their authorized representatives. Copies of the Report will also be sent to our Embassies in countries with a significant Goan population.

We have received several requests for participation and financial support to Goan Conventions being organized in different parts of the world. Last June, the Goan Community in Portugal held their Convention in Lisbon "The Goan Diaspora from Goa into the world". I could not attend this Convention due to other preoccupations and at my request our Chief Secretary and the Director, NRI Affairs, represented the State Government and the Department of NRI Affairs on this occasion. A sum of 5000 Euros was granted by this Department as financial support to this Convention. This Department will also provide some financial support to the Conference "Goan Diaspora-between the Home and the Host" being held on December 15 in New Delhi by "Goenkarancho Ekvot", an organization of the Goan community in the capital.

Several NRG organizations across the world wish to hold Conventions of the Goan community and seek our support. Regarding such Conventions abroad it has been decided that this Department will finance one such Convention per year tentatively to the extent of Rs. 3 lakh subject to the following:

1. The Annual Convention should be held by rotation in different continents and in a country where there is a significant population of NRGs;

2. The local organization should hold the Convention at a time when maximum attendance can be obtained in that country;

3. The organization should be recommended by our Embassy or High Commission in the respective country; and

4. The programme of the Convention should be drawn in consultation with this Office.

In view of our decision to support one NRG Convention (Gomant Vishwa Samelan) every year abroad, we may not hold such a Convention in Goa in future. It is felt that such a Convention in Goa can be organized only at the time of Christmas and the New Year, a time of family get togethers and a pletora of other social and cultural activities, and this makes it difficult for our NRGs to attend the Convention in large numbers.

. During my visit to New Delhi last month I requested Shri Vyalar Ravi, Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs, to invite Goan cultural troupes to perform in Goa and elsewhere in the country. I mentioned to him the group "Ekvott" based in Portugal which is of a high quality. The Minister agreed. In case Ekvot or other Goan troupes are interested in visiting India they should indicate their interest to us at the earliest so that we may finalize their tour in consultation with MOIA. (ends)

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