Sucked into a black hole
All the vociferous politicians defectors   have now  suddenly become
deafeningly  silent after switching sides.It is a wise  strategy paying
dividends to tame the wild species and assure  protection from propaganda
onslaught and political turbulence.
Why on earth did they defect lock ,stock, and barrel?.Why did they
jeopardize  their political career just for a song?..The
unconvincing,evasive stock answer of development is unconvincing.Self
development couched as a supreme  sacrifice is more appropriate answer.
The promised berths in the cabinet are delayed too long  causing agony and
pain to the hopeful aspirants.But not a word of protest or even a
murmur.Like obedient students suppress their voices .It is rightly rumoured
that huge sums are disbursed to buy their allegiance as quid pro quo to
switch sides and to that extent have received their reward with price
tag..It is most likely  that the skeletons of ill-gotten wealth will not be
investigated. The prosecution against criminal cases will not be pursued
with vigour and will move at snails pace to deter any adventurism.Those
lured with position and power are forever waiting in the wings for the
sunrise..In which constituencies of the defectors, perceptible development
has taken off worth the name? .Once defectors  are  sucked into the black
hole by lure ,threats and intimidation there is no way back.Their colour,
attitude, behaviour is dyed in saffron to geneflect meekly. The voters have
shown their dissatisfaction by voting out the defectors.The true
development is that the ruling dispensation has ensured the roadblocks to
their to their unfettered reign.The National high command is so  powerful
that any slightest public  discontent is nipped in the bud and none dares
to challenge the authority. .The only option left to redeem their lost
pride and  glory is to resign en mass, not that it will dent any image but
at least salvage their honour ,sekfresoect for future prospects as return
of the prodigals.
Nelson Lopes
Nelson Lopes

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