
From: G R Vora <>


Dear friends,

I intend to send these objections / suggestions to the Ch. Eng. DP and others 
of BMC by tomorrow evening.

Kindly inform me of any additions / corrections etc. by 4 pm tomorrow.

Please see attachment. It is copy-pasted below too.







  Head Office, 
Room No. 46, 1st Floor, 
Mahapalika Marg,
  – 400001.
  Engineer (Devpt. Plan),
  Head Office Annexe, 5th Floor,
  – 400001.
  Head Office, Mahapalika Marg,
  – 400001.



Sub. :  Suggestions / objections for the proposed
Development Plan 2014 – 2034 for Mumbai.




We would
     request that the MCGM reduce the selling price of the DP Report, DC
     Regulations and the Maps since the cost is very high and is unaffordable
     to the common man. Whilst soft copies are available, these are not easy to
     read on a screen.We would
     request that the 60 day time period needs to be extended since the hard
     copies of the overpriced maps and reports were not available until two
     weeks ago.We would
     suggest that the Plans for all the areas under the Special Planning
     Authorities be prepared in conformity with the provisions of the DP/draft
     DP, and would need to be approved by the MCGM, since it is the
     responsibility of the MCGM to provide the infrastructure.The New
     Coastal Zone Management Plan for the city of Mumbai which is to be made in
     accordance with the Coastal Zone Regulation Notification of 2011 is yet to
     be finalized. The current Development Plan is based on the old CZMP which
     has finally expired on 31st January, 2015 (i.e. after two
     extensions from its original expiry date in 2013). We object to the fact
     that the Development Plan of a coastal city like Mumbai is being finalized
     without there being an approved and final CZMP in place. New
     Development Plan 2034 looks at Aarey Milk Colony lands as an opportunity
     for creating large scale public infrastructure for the city. It proposes
     use of open spaces of Aarey for Metro III coach depot and for business
     activities. We object to this and recommend that open spaces of Aarey
     should be kept green and should be handed over to the Forest Department
     for protection. No construction or infrastructure activities should be
     permitted on these lands.The No
     Development Zones in the Development Plan of 1991 should be kept green and
     open and treated as forest lands.We recommend
     that natural areas like SGNP, Mangroves, Mud flats, Salt pans, hills and
     forest lands should be zoned as Green and no construction or
     infrastructure activities should be permitted on these lands.The
     Development Plan 2034 has considered only risk of flooding under Climate
     Change risks. Impacts of climate change should include all the factors
     like Sea level rise, Rainfall, increase in Temperature, extreme climatic
     events, earthquakes, etc. All new proposed projects must factor impacts of
     climate change in their proposals, and these need to be considered in
     depth by the Planning Authority. We depend
     on monsoon for water supply. There is no policy for recycling and reuse.
     Water recycling and reuse should be made mandatory for existing and new
     buildings. Water
     bodies such as ponds, creeks, streams, Lakes, River, Nullahs, bays and
     estuaries should be considered as green spaces. All waterbodies including
     their buffer zones must be clearly marked in the DP. The mandatory open
     space on the sides of water body must strictly be reserved as public open
     space, where no form of construction and or commercial activity be
     Development Plan mentions about proposed Coastal roads for better
     transportation. The Coastal Road is illegal and needs to be scrapped.
     Instead of this there is a need to invest in up gradation of Public
     transport, especially Bus Rapid Transport and the suburban train network.
     The investments made on new roads are disproportionate and seems to be
     benefitting a tiny section of Mumbaikars. The MCGM should instead invest
     in increasing the frequency of the suburban train services and also by
     linking CST and Churchgate stations. The M.C.G.M. needs to plan and invest
     in better public transportation networks with emphasis on promotion of
     comfortable Public transport and higher investment in this sector.
     Further, the Singapore model for private road transport needs to be
     followed by restricting registration of private vehicles and adopting
     cordon pricing.Currently,
     Greater Mumbai’s environmental health is severely compromised due to
     increasing air pollution largely caused by vehicular pollution; increasing
     water pollution due to inadequate sewerage system and industrial pollution
     along with non-segregated garbage and plastic waste clogging drainage
     systems. Inadequate and poorly managed landfill sites are yet another
     cause of environmental pollution. The MCGM must discontinue the dumping of
     garbage on mangroves and mudflats and ensure that garbage is separated at
     suggest MCGM undertake Risk assessments and Pollution assessment for the
     entire city before sanctioning new projects. We
     suggest that the MCGM examines the “Carrying Capacity” of the city before
     sanctioning new constructions.There are
     numerous errors in the draft DP wherein illegally reclaimed areas in
     Malad, Versova and Kanjur Marg have been shown as “buildable” or
     “commercial” areas. We would urge that all areas that have been illegally
     reclaimed should be restored back to their original condition, and not
     shown under “buildable” reservations.We
     suggest that the trees should be marked on the DP maps.We
     suggest that the CTS numbers be shown on the DP maps.We
     suggest that the Heritage Structures and Heritage Precincts be marked on
     the DP maps.We
     suggest that the HTL, LTL, 200 metre line, 500 metre line and the Hazard
     Line be marked on the DP maps.We
     suggest that the silence zones be marked on the DP maps.In view
     of the alarmingly high air pollution levels that our city has been
     witnessing lately, it is imperative to ensure that the new constructions
     do not adversely affect the air movements within the city. This parameter
     should be considered whilst approving new constructions.To ensure
     that renewable energy investments are not compromised, the MCGM should
     ensure that new constructions do not block the sunlight and the air
     movement on existing terraces.We
     suggest that the mobile towers be marked on the DP maps. Different
     colours/symbols should be allotted to different network providers.We would
     suggest that in case the MCGM continues with its policy to allow glass
     fronted buildings to come up, the builder and occupier needs to put
     special measures in place (such as the use of laminated safety glass that
     is used in automobiles) to ensure that the glass fragments do not cause
     injuries in the event of a disaster.We would
     strongly urge that the preparation of draft DP should not be outsourced to
     private entities and to retired officers since it is not possible to fix
     accountability and responsibility on these entities.We would
     request that we be given an opportunity to be heard so that we can
     elaborate on our written suggestions and objections.


Yours faithfully,



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