                        **** Goanet Classifieds ****

   Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

    and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

   Those interested can email enescil....@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

     Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


Hello Everyone

Sunset at the London Excell centre by the river Thames heralded the closing of 
the annual very successful three day event known as the World Travel Mart
where nearly every country of the world is represented in a vast Global Village 
as a window to the tourism industry where Tour operators, Travel agents, 
Ministers and all associated with the travel trade mingle, meet and exchange 
views do deals, etc.

Nearly every state of India was represented in an area the size of a football 
pitch. Goa took centre stage against a creative illuminated lush green aerial 
photograph canopy of palm, jackfruit, cashew and mango trees surrounding the 
golden sands of tranquil Betul beach at the mouth of the river Sul. 
Congratulations to the photographer with a very very wide angle Lens. The Stand 
was very busy undre the sun umbrellas of Goa Tourism with the Theme "GOA 
Nitkant Halarnkar and his very courteous team who after gruelling days 
provided a commendable service to the Travel trade bringing visitors to Goa. 
Before they leave for Goa I hope they have the opportunity to savour the sights 
sounds of London England where with the season of goodwill approaching the 
streets here are filled with Chrismas theme illuminations.

I despair at the thought that visitors coming for the International Film 
Festival from 23 Nov to 3 Dec, the sold out Sunburn festival, Father Agnelo Day 
and pilgrims 
for St Francis Xavier's feast on 3 Dec will be met with a Season of bad will 
where in the name of the Season greed tends to rule the day when local people, 
visitors and tourists will be exploited by, for example, taxi drivers in Goa 
who are blanketed with this slur. I do not belive that every taxi driver is 
greedy perhaps 
the local press can assist with a Fare Guidance on their Pages. I hear of White 
Taxis caked in dust as they are parked outside hotels awaiting a fare blocking 
roads perhaps a staffed Control central with a centralised telephone number 
funded by the Taxi drivers could be piloted for the mutual benefit of all.

Living is expensive but still very popular the more birthdays you have the 
longer you will live. Goa is known as a paradise on this planet thankfully one 
does not 
have to die to get there. If only we could get rid of the Sorpotel school of 
thought and keep just the Sorpotel what a better place our Goa can be. For my 
reference to Sorpotel see Goanet Digest Vol 6, Issue 823, Message 10 or email 
me melvynfernan...@virginmedia.com.

Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

10 November 2011


                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


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